Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis (2024)


Results 2341 to 2370 of 2459:

LINEÁRNÍ MODELY PŘÍJMOVÝCH VZTAHŮ VE SPOTŘEBITELSKÉ POPTÁVCE PO POTRAVINÁCH A ANALÝZA PRUŽNOSTI TĚCHTO VZTAHŮPavel Syrovátka, Miroslav NavrátilActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2005, 53(6), 173-188|DOI:10.11118/actaun200553060173

The paper is focused on the use of the linear constructions for developing of Engel's demand models in the field of the food-consumer demand. In the theoretical part of the paper, the linear approximations of this demand models are analysed on the bases of the linear interpolation. In the same part of this text, the hyperbolic elasticity function was defined for the linear Engel model. The behaviour of the hyperbolic elasticity function and its properties were consequently investigated too. The behaviour of the determined elasticity function was investigated according to the values of the intercept point and the direction parameter in the original linear Engel model. The obtained theoretical findings were tested using the real data of Czech Statistical Office. The developed linear Engel model was explicitly dynamised, because the achieved database was formed into the time series. With respect to the two variables definitions of the hyperbolic function in the theoretical part of the text, the determined dynamic model of the Engel demand for food was transformed into the form with parametric intercept point:
ret* = At + 0.0946 . rmt*,
where the values of absolute member are defined as:
At = 1773.0973 + 9.3064 . t - 0.3023 . t2; (t = 1, 2, ... 32).
The value of At in the parametric linear model of Engel consumer demand for food was during the observed period (1995-2002) always positive. Thus, the hyperbolic elasticity function achieved the elasticity coefficients from the interval:
ηt ∈〈+0; +1).
Within quantitative analysis of Engel demand for food in the Czech Republic during the given time period, it was founded, that income elasticity of food expenditures of the average Czech household was moved between +0.4080 and +0.4511. The Czech-household demand for food is thus income inelastic with the normal income reactions.

Senzorická analýza masa kohoutků a slepiček krmených krmnou směsí s přídavkem amarantu nebo rybí moučkyMiroslav Jůzl, Jana Simeonovová, Bohumila PísaříkováActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2005, 53(5), 79-90|DOI:10.11118/actaun200553050079

Sensory-evaluation was conducted on 80 chickens (ROSS 308) 36 days old. Chickens were divided into groups by course of the diet addition of Amaranth or fishmeal in basic fed diets BR1 and BR2 (addition 2% of fish meal, 10% of no-heat-treated Amaranth, 10% of heat-treated Amaranth - popping, 10% of dry mass of Amaranth). Groups were separated by sex in rearing. Totally were 8 groups of 10 chickens. It was evaluated sensory quality of breast and legs (thigh and drumstick). There were 8 members of evaluation group; evaluation was done by group of 8 members satisfied all conditions in ISO 8586-1 in special room for sensory analysis (according to ISO 8589).
It was used five-point scale (1 - at least desirable, 5 - the most desirable) in evaluation of five main (descriptors) attributes of meat (colour, texture, juiciness, odour and taste).
Breast meat texture of group of heat-treated Amaranth was evaluated even with shear-force measuring (W.B.).
The correlation coefficient was -0,91 for statistical relationship between sensorial measured texture and evaluation of the shear-force. Addition of no-heat-treated and dry mass of Amaranth had positive effect (P < 0,05) on colour (paler meat), taste and odour (more desirable) than addition of fishmeal and heat-treated Amaranth. Members of evaluation group detected moderate fish aftertaste and taste of thighs at meat, when chickens were fed by fishmeal (but without statistical variance). Beyond, variance (P < 0,05) was detected with addition of fishmeal only in compare with dry mass of Amaranth addition. This diet was evaluated as more desirable than others groups in relation to taste and odour of meat. All groups fed by Amaranth were positive evaluated in taste and odour and no group were qualify as unacceptable for consumers. Contrasts between sexes were not indicated in this age of young chickens, but only tendency to better texture and taste of the meat of pullets.

VLIV PŘÍDAVKU BAKTERIÁLNÍHO INOKULANTU NA FERMENTAČNÍ PROCES LABORATORNÍCH SILÁŽÍ Z POŠROTOVANÝCH OLISTĚNÝCH PALIC KUKUŘICEPetr Doležal, Dušan Kořínek, Jan Doležal, Václav PyrochtaActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2005, 53(4), 33-42|DOI:10.11118/actaun200553040033

In the experiment was the effect of biological additive on the fermentation quality of crushed maize ears of two hybrids by comparing with the untreated control. The bacterial inoculant "A" contained selected bacterial strains of Lactobacillus rhamnosus (NCIMB 30121) and Enterococcus faecium (NCIMB 30122). As effective substances of bacterial water-soluble inoculant "B" were selected bacterial strains of Lactobacillus rhamnosus (NCIMB 30121), Lactobacillus plantarum (DSM 12836), Lactobacillus brevis (DSM 12835), Lactobacillus buchneri (DSM 12856), Pediococcus acidialactici (P. pentosaceus) (DSM 12834). The addition of inoculant "A" in our experiment conditions increased statistically significantly (P

Teoretické vymezení podnikových akcií a dluhopisů soudobého světového kapitálového trhuOldřich RejnušActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2005, 53(3), 171-184|DOI:10.11118/actaun200553030171

The article deals with the theoretical classification of "classic" capital market securities, i.e. corporate stocks and bonds. Its aim was to make a detailed analysis of the individual types of these securities from the viewpoint of their main characteristic features, and to look for possible ways of systemizing them and distinguishing them as unambiguously as possible. As the aim of this analysis was to identify the most important and typical properties of not only corporate stocks and long-term bonds that are commonplace in investing but also of those that are rare on financial markets, the analysis was made from a global viewpoint, i.e. without regard to the individual countries' legislative conditions.
The analysis focused, above all, on looking for ways to construct the individual types of stocks and bonds and of the most important rights connected with them. Using the obtained results, these types were mutually compared and possible ways of their systemization were explored. Taking into account these facts, certain significant properties (which, however, concern all securities in general, such as "issuer type" or conditions of transferability/ways of tradeability) were intentionally abstracted.
The result of the analysis confirms the meaningfulness of certain existing theories concerning the existence of three relatively different groups of "classic" securities: common stocks, preferred stocks, and bonds. At the same time, the analysis has shown that as far as this classification is concerned, it is based mainly on the function of the securities, which means that the properties regarding their structure and legal content are covered only partially. This is also proved by making a proposal for a comprehensive systemization, which shows that on the current financial market there are many situations when (except the legal identification) it is difficult to judge from the particular properties of a security whether it is a bond or a stock, or (in the latter case) which type of stock it is. For the above-mentioned reason, the conclusion stresses the necessity to create at least partly harmonised international legislation in the given area, and presents recommendations for the establishment of the fundamental part of a harmonised system of legislation, which increasingly appears to be essential.

O vybraných reologických vlastnostech komerčně distribuovaných kečupůLibor Severa, Jana Simeonovová, Ivo Křivánek, Jaroslav BucharActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2005, 53(2), 7-18|DOI:10.11118/actaun200553020007

The rheological properties of four different ketchups were determined. The viscosity, shear rate and shear stress were measured by use of Anton Paar DV-3 P Digital Viscometer and received data can be successfully characterized by several models, primarily by Hershel - Bulkley model. The ketchup was found to be a typical time-dependent thixotropic fluid. Shear stress and viscosity decrease with time of shear. Decrease during first 300 s is more significant than later decrease. The influence of spindle speed, shear rate potentially, on a sample viscosity was observed. The viscosity was rapidly changing during low speeds. The data were compared with Carreau model. Many other dependeces (low and high shear rates, difference between mixed and rested material etc.) were observed and modelled with satisfying results. Dependence of shear stress on shear rate under two temperatures was also examined. The tendency of increasing shear stress with increasing shear rate is evident. The samples were examined under temperature 22 °C and temperature 7 °C.

Parafomoria fumanae sp. n., nový druh minující v lodyze Fumana procumbens (Lepidoptera: Nepticulidae)Aleš Laštůvka, Zdeněk LaštůvkaActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2005, 53(1), 15-18|DOI:10.11118/actaun200553010015

Parafomoria fumanae sp. n. is described from southern France. The new species is similar to Parafomoria ladaniphila (Mendes, 1910), but very close to P. cistivora (Peyerimhoff, 1871) and P. helianthemella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1860) after its genital morphology. It differs especially by the characters on valvae, tegumen, uncus and aedeagus. Its larva is a stem miner of Fumana procumbens (Dunal) Gr. et Godr., the species is the first stem miner in the genus Parafomoria van Nieukerken, 1983.

Studijní programy v konfrontační introspekciRudolf ŠrámekActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2004, 52(6), 267-276|DOI:10.11118/actaun200452060267

Confrontation of first two and meanwhile last two studying programmes proves that there was devoted more hours for teaching - relationship between range of lectures and seminars with practices was 1:1. There was defined approximately 10% more of time than nowadays for stay of students in practices schools.

VLIV ODSTUPŇOVANÉHO PŘÍDAVKU SUCHÉ PŘÍSADY NA KVALITU SILÁŽE LUPINYPetr Doležal, Josef Rotter, Jan Doležal, Václav Pyrochta, Jaroslav PoulActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2005, 53(5), 21-30|DOI:10.11118/actaun200553050021

In the experiment, the effect of additive on the fermentation quality of lupine was examined, by comparing with the untreated control. Fresh green Lupine (Lupines lupine), variete Juno, dry matter content 187.15 g/kg at full waxy stage of maturiy were chopped to the legth of cut ca 30-50 mm. The crop was artificially wilted for a periody 24 h and ensiled as described above. Lupine were ensiled for 98 days in laboratory silos, capacity about 4 L alone or with supplementation of feed additive (5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 or 70 kg/tone forage respectively). The composition and as effective substances of this silage ingredient were dry whey (30%), maize meal (40%) and dry molases (30%). The silages fermented rapidly and changes in volatile fatty acids (VFA) production (P

Vliv rozdílné technologie zpracování půdy na druhové spektrum plevelů v ozimé řepceJan Winkler, Věra ZelenáActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2005, 53(5), 187-194|DOI:10.11118/actaun200553050187

A community of weeds and crops is affected by a number of factors, including, among other things, also tillage. In the years 2000-2002, the composition of weed species in rape stands was evaluated on the fields with the total area of 551 hectares (1 hectar equals to some 2.47 acres). The evaluation was carried out with the application of methodology developed by Kühn (1982). On the fields located in the cadastral area of Olomouc - Holice, which had been cultivated in a traditional manner, 115 relevés were recorded. On the fields in the cadastral area of Bohuňovice, which had been cultivated with the application of reduced tillage, 97 relevés were recorded and evaluated. All of the above fields were subjected to the application of chemical agents reducing the occurrence of weeds. The data thus received were processed by means of multidimensional analysis of ecological data with the application of a RDA method (Redundancy Analysis). In the course of three years, 75 weed species were found on the fields under conventional tillage, on the average, 8.2 species per a relevé, while 66 weed species were found during the same period of time on the fields cultivated by means of reduced tillage, on the average, 8.6 species per a relevé. The application of RDA analysis enabled us to sort out the selected species of weeds (i.e. those the frequency of occurrence of which exceeded 15 %) into three groups. The conditions provided by the conventional tillage appeared to be more satisfactory for the weed species included in the first group (Arctium tomentosum, Elytrigia repens, Helianthus tuberosus, Chenopodium album, Lolium perenne and Papaver rhoeas). The species included in the second group, i.e. Alsinula media, Apera spica-venti, Atriplex patula, Bromus sterilis, Capsella bursa-pastoris, Equisetum arvense, Fallopia convolvulus, Myosotis arvensis and Thlaspi arvense., responded to reduced tillage by the increase in cover or by increased frequency of occurrence. The third group consists of species such as: Cirsium arvense, Chamomilla recutita, Galium aparine, Lactuca serriola, Matricaria maritima, Triticum aestivum and Viola arvensis. Their cover and frequency of occurrence were in a more degree influenced by factors different from the type of tillage. The manner of tillage appears to be only one of a number of factors that affect the occurrence of weed species. It influences them together with other factors and it is a factor of polyfunctional nature.

Vybrané aspekty modelování devizového kurzu pomocí neuronových sítíVáclav MastnýActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2005, 53(3), 109-116|DOI:10.11118/actaun200553030109

This paper deals with forecasting of the high-frequency foreign exchange market with neural networks. The objective is to investigate some aspects of modelling with neural networks (impact of topology, size of training set and time horizon of the forecast on the performance of the network). The data used for the purpose of this paper contain 15-minute time series of US dollar against other major currencies, Japanese Yen, British Pound and Euro. The results show, that performance of the network in terms of correct directorial change is negatively influenced by increasing number of hidden neurons and decreasing size of training set. The performance of the network is influenced by sampling frequency.

Chování konverzních vrstev v laboratorních podmínkáchPetr Verner, V. ChrástActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2005, 53(2), 127-132|DOI:10.11118/actaun200553020127

Toxicity of CrVI is a basic problem of chromate conversion layers. This paper refers to regulation EU, which limit occurrence CrVI. Purpose of experiment is alert to alternative anticorrosive inhibitors without CrVI. Alternative inhibitors are on the base CrIII. These inhibitors protect probably similar mechanism as chromans with CrVI.

Změny základního složení kravského mleziva v průběhu prvních 72 hodin po poroduStanislav Kráčmar, Ladislav ZemanActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2004, 52(2), 129-136|DOI:10.11118/actaun200452020129

Changes in the colostrum nutritive value were studied in dairy cows of the Czech Red Pied x Holstein (n = 10) from the 2nd to 72nd hour post partum. Of them, five and five animals were in the first and the second (or higher) lactation, respectively. Dry matter (DM) content ranged from 20.37 to 13.78% (mean value 15.61%). Within the first 12 and 72 hours after parturition, the shares of crude protein in DM were more than 60% (14.33 - 9.71%) and nearly 50% (6.34 - 4.06%; mean 5.61%), respectively. Milk fat made one quarter (2.29 - 5.16%; mean 3.72%) and lactose approximately 22% (2.74 - 3.93%; mean 3.43%) of DM content, respectively.

Učení n-vrstvé neuronové sítěVladimír Konečný, Anděla Matiášová, Ivana RábováActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2005, 53(6), 75-84|DOI:10.11118/actaun200553060075

In the last decade we can observe increasing number of applications based on the Artificial Intelligence that are designed to solve problems from different areas of human activity. The reason why there is so much interest in these technologies is that the classical way of solutions does not exist or these technologies are not suitable because of their robustness. They are often used in applications like Business Intelligence that enable to obtain useful information for high-quality decision-making and to increase competitive advantage.
One of the most widespread tools for the Artificial Intelligence are the artificial neural networks. Their high advantage is relative simplicity and the possibility of self-learning based on set of pattern situations.
For the learning phase is the most commonly used algorithm back-propagation error (BPE). The base of BPE is the method minima of error function representing the sum of squared errors on outputs of neural net, for all patterns of the learning set.
However, while performing BPE and in the first usage, we can find out that it is necessary to complete the handling of the learning factor by suitable method. The stability of the learning process and the rate of convergence depend on the selected method.
In the article there are derived two functions: one function for the learning process management by the relative great error function value and the second function when the value of error function approximates to global minimum.
The aim of the article is to introduce the BPE algorithm in compact matrix form for multilayer neural networks, the derivation of the learning factor handling method and the presentation of the results.

Generalizace názorů na formy a metody výuky používané na předstupních vysokých školRudolf ŠrámekActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2005, 53(6), 247-256|DOI:10.11118/actaun200553060247

Competent persons show, that more than 90% of teachers of Czech elementary schools and secondary schools until and since of 90-s of last century used and still use stereotype forms and methods of teaching; these procedures, which are little autonomic, formative and social. Procedures of sharing knowledge to students and underestimating of deducing of knowledge with students.

Vliv ošetření desikanty na kvalitu fenyklu obecného (Foeniculum vulgare var. vulgare Mill.)Gabriela Růžičková, Blanka Kocourková, Jitka Sedláková, Jana HajšlováActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2005, 53(5), 143-150|DOI:10.11118/actaun200553050143

Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare var. vulgare Mill.) is an perennial herb, it is cultivated for the essential oil in the fruits. The quality criteria are essential oil content, microbiological contamination and residua of pesticides. The important part of the cultivation technology is ununiform maturity of the fruits. The aim of this work was to find out the influence of the desiccants on quality and yield characteristics of fennel fruits produced in field conditions in the first years of growing. Three preparations were applied: glufosinate-NH4, 150 g.l-1 (2 l.ha-1), diquat dibromide, 200 g.l-1 (3 l.ha-1) and glyphosate-IPA, 480 g.l-1 (3 l.ha-1) in three repetitions. The non treated control variant was also repetited three times. The samples were analysed for quantitative and qualitative parameters: the fruit yield (t.ha-1), the essential oil content (%, V/m), the essential oil yield (kg.ha-1), the essential oil composition and the residua content.

Variabilita v genech pro leptin, leptinový receptor a protein vázající mastné kyseliny ve vztahu ke kvalitě masa u prasatRenata Mikolášová, Tomáš UrbanActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2005, 53(4), 87-94|DOI:10.11118/actaun200553040087

The leptin (LEP-HinfI), leptin receptor (LEPR-HpaII) and heart fatty acid binding protein (H-FABP-HinfI) genes and their genotypes combination (LEP-HinfI *LEPR-HpaII) were tested for associations with the pH1, pH24, myoglobin content (mg/100 g), intramuscular fat content (%) and remission (%). The genotypes were determined in Large White, Landrace and Duroc breeds (n = 106, 56 and 4, respectively). The allele frequencies were: LEP-HinfI: C = 0.133 T = 0.867; LEPR-HpaII: A = 0.331 B = 0.669; H-FABP-HinfI: H = 0.745 h = 0.255. The populations of breeds were in the genetic equilibrium according to the χ2 test in the tested loci. The combinations of LEP-HinfI and LEPR-HpaII were significantly associated with the pH24 and remission. The H-FABP-HinfI locus was significantly associated with intramuscular fat content.

ANALÝZA EKONOMICKÉ AKTIVITY A NEZAMĚSTNANOSTI OBYVATELSTVA JIhom*oRAVSKÉHO KRAJEJaroslava HudečkováActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2005, 53(3), 49-58|DOI:10.11118/actaun200553030049

This article deals with analysis of the South Moravian region population economic activity and unemployment state and development. The analysis of the population economic activity and unemployment is a part of the demographic, social and economic population analysis. The unemployment is considered to be an unfavourable effect, but its low rate is a natural part of the market economy. The unemployment was from the general and registered unemployment rate in years 1995-2003 point of view evaluated. Some indicators of the South Moravian region were with the whole Czech Republic compared. The unemployment in the South Moravian region marked a negative development in mentioned period and in the year 2003 achieved value of 11.45%. The trend of the unemployment development was defined and also the seasonal character with the seasonal indexes was analysed. The highest unemployment was proved in winter months (January-March) and least in May and June. There was proved the high dependency rate among the number of vacancies, the number of applicants for one vacancy and unemployment rate.

Statististická analýza agregátů souhrnného zemědělského účtu české republiky v období let 1998-2003Božena Bodečková, Erich MacaActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2005, 53(6), 19-32|DOI:10.11118/actaun200553060019

Results of the statistical analysis of the of the total economic aggregate account for the Czech Republic enabled, in addition to the quantification of its performance, also to asses the developmental tendencies of economic phenomena under study. From this point of view, the most important were the data obtained within the framework of studies on the total output of Czech agricultural industry. Among the major indicators of the production intensity, the level of intermediate consumption was explored as well. This analysis involved also an exact estimation of both gross and net added value because such an analysis enables to express the the final economic effect of agriculture within the framework of the national economy as a whole. A complex approach to the solution of these problems is presented on the base of studies on the structure of both plant and animal production and of the total intermediate consumption

Analýza výkonnosti amerického a evropského akciového trhu z pohledu amerického a evropského investoraOldřich ŠobaActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2005, 53(6), 189-200|DOI:10.11118/actaun200553060189

The paper is focused on the analysis of stock market returns of American and European stock market for different investment horizon from the view of an American and European investor. The paper also partly resumes, in the part of analysis of USD/EUR exchange rate influence on market returns of mentioned stock market, research paper REJNUŠ, O., ŠOBA, O.: Changes in the USD/EUR exchange rate and their impact on the return of stock indexes from the viewpoint of a European and of an American investor. ACTA UNIVERSITATIS AGRICULTURAE ET SILVICULTURAE MENDELIANAE BRUNENSIS, Vol. LII, No. 6, 2004, pg. 145-159, ISSN 1211-8516.
The development of both American and European stock market is put on the development of two, structure-similar Standard & Poor's exchange indexes, particularly S&P 500 and S&P Europe 350. According to the USD/EUR exchange rate, there were used the values published by FED, with the oldest data there were accepted the count ECU to EUR. The data were taken both from the weekly closing values of mentioned stock indexes and weekly closing values of USD/EUR exchange rate.
The analysis was done with using the methods of quantification of "running market returns" (recount to the average annual values) of indexes from the view of both investors within the set investment horizon. The elemental statistical level characteristic - simple average, median and statistical characteristic of variability - standard deviation and variation coefficient were quantified from this time series of annual running market returns.
The analysis, which was purposely oriented to six basic different long investment horizon (1 year, 2 years, 3 years, 5 years, 7 years, 10 years), has approved that in focused term of 1980-2004 the market returns of picked stock market from the view of both investors (American and European) was generally higher in longer investment horizon than in the shorter investment horizon. The values of variation coefficient in particular investment horizon indicated the decreasing riskiness of investments in analyzed markets with elongating length of investment horizon, from view of both investors on both stock markets. The influence of the exchange rates changes on the values of quantified characteristic of indexes market returns (stock markets) was relatively insignificant, so the conclusions of the mentioned research paper, which resumes partly this paper, where in practice verified.

Výzkum využití indikátorů ukládání biologicky rozložitelných odpadů (BRO) na skládkuJana KotovicováActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2005, 53(5), 91-98|DOI:10.11118/actaun200553050091

The orientation of the research work for the exploitation of the preventive tools for the decrease of biodegradable waste comes out from the requirements, which are reposed on Czech Republic as a valid member of European Union. The Czech Republic have to follow the legislative requirements, which are defined for the waste treatment, in this case it deals with the EC Landfill Directive (1999/31/ES). The directive undertakes for the EU members to limit the volume of the biodegradable waste on the landfills. The main sense of this restriction is to reduce the volume of the emitted gas, mainly methane, into atmosphere. Therefore, it was assigned the Waste Management Plan of the Czech republic, which states in the interest of the strategic goals (the decrease of the specific waste production independently on the level of the economic growth, the maximal waste exploitation as a reserve of the primary natural resources and the minimalization of negative impacts on human health and environment by the waste treatment) the goal achievement in its binding part, what's the decrease of maximal volume of the biodegradable municipal waste deposited in landfills, thus the rate of this element will be the most 75% weighted in 2010, the most 50 % weighted in 2013 and the most 35 % weighted from the total volume rised in 1995. One of the ways, how to achieve the required reduction of the waste volume deposited in the landfills, is consistent exercitation of the preventive methods and the sound agricultural and sound operating practice methods. The main goal of the work consists in creation of methodics for the make prognosis of the region development charging by the biodegradable waste in the preventive tool exploitation. I identified the typical sources of biodegradable waste and the key areas of their uprise after the evaluation of environmental gains of the selected preventive projects by the creation of methodics. After this manner of data acquirement, I proposed and defined the indicators, which serve for the creation of model database of environmental gains in the regional measure, especially collection area of landfill.

Vliv různých formem dusíkatých hnojiv aplikovaných na konci odnožování na výnos a kvalitu zrna pšenice oziméLadislav Ducsay, Pavel RyantActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2005, 53(4), 43-50|DOI:10.11118/actaun200553040043

In the years 1999 to 2001 in conditions of small-plot field experiments was carried out on loamy degraded chernozems at the Plant Breeding Station of Sládkovičovo-Nový Dvor to solve the problems of topdressing winter wheat (Triticum aestivum, L.), variety Astella, with different forms of nitrogenous fertilizers. Nitrogenous fertilizers were applied at the growth phase of the 6th leaf (Zadoks = 29). Four various forms of fertilizers were exemined: urea solution, DAM-390, DAM-390 + Dumag, DASA. Different weather conditions statistically highly significantly influenced grain yield in respective experimental years. Topdressing with nitrogen (30 kg N.ha-1) caused statistically highly significant increase of grain yield in all fertilized variants ranging from +0.29 t.ha-1 (applied of DAM-390) to +0.69 t.ha-1 (applied of DASA) according to respective treatments. Average grain yield in unfertilized control variant represented 7.23 t.ha-1. Nitrogen nutrition showed positive effect on the main macroelements offtake (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S) by winter wheat grain in all fertilized variants. Nitrogen fertilizing positively influenced formation of wet gluten and crude protein with highest increment in variant with DASA and variant with DAM-390 + Dumag.

Návrh struktury systému podpory udržitelnosti cestovního ruchu a metodika hodnocení některých služeb v cestovním ruchuMichal BurianActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2005, 53(3), 7-16|DOI:10.11118/actaun200553030007

This thesis is focused on preparation of basic elements of the National System for Support of Sustainable Tourism in the Czech Republic and on development of a methodology for ranking of selected tourist services from the sustainable point of view. Its result is planned to be used as a basis for real decisions potentially taken by the Czech government in near future.
The first part analyses and summarises existing approaches worldwide to sustainable tourism, potential benefits and different impacts of tourism in order to specify possible measures avoiding unwanted impacts later on. The need to change towards sutainability in tourism is based on analysis of different policies and documents and a summary of duties of the Czech government (national ones and international ones). There is also a list of the best experiences available how to promote, support and encourage development of sustainable tourism based on analysis of the World Tourism Organisation studies and recommendations, existing EMS systems like ISO, EU ecolabel or methods, approaches, criteria and indicators used by different labels.
Next part defines neccessary elements for successful system functioning in the Czech Republic, based on existing and working governmental and non-governmental structures not forgetting such important activities like information, education, marketing and motivation and sets expected responsibilities and roles of different potential partners participating on the system implementation.
Unfortunately, there is no one certified tourist business in Czechia according to ISO, EMAS or EU flower before end of October 2004. Main reasons are price, missing benefits and motivations for businesses. Therefore an self-assesment questionnaire for a small-scale accommodation is developed. This fits with the "easy to understand, easy to answer". This option is missing in the country and it is understood as a prestep to more sophisticated methods of measurment. The main sustainable criteria are set as "GUESTS", "NATURE RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENT" (water, energy, green building, reduction of waste, soft mobility, biodiversity), "LOCAL COMMUNITIES" (culture, economy) and "FUTURE".
The Czech Republic needs to start to implement sustainable tourism policies in practice. It should be organised in wide cross-sector partnership co-operation of profession associations, consumer associations and under the official responsibility of Ministry of Environment and Ministry for Regional Development (responsible for tourism). This thesis has been published in a shorten form during the WTO conference for Europe "Public Private Partnerships for Sustainability Certification of Tourism Activities", taken place in October 2004 in Mariánské Lázně. Based on this presentation, conclusions and results of this thesis will be included in the project "National programme for Sustainability in Tourism". This project will be submitted in the Czech government by both above mentioned ministries before end of 2004.

Frekvence genotypů a alel PvuII polymorfismu genu estrogenového receptoru (ESR) u plemene bílé ušlechtilé a landraseEliška Goliášová, Josef DvořákActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2005, 53(2), 33-38|DOI:10.11118/actaun200553020033

Genotype and allele frequencies of the oestrogen receptor gene (ESR) PvuII restriction site were investigated in populations of the main Czech maternal breeds. 1253 sows and gilts and 396 boars in Large White and 334 sows and gilts and 318 boars in Landrace were genotyped from blood samples by the modified PCR-RFLP procedure as described in Short et al. (1997). In Large White, the frequency of allele B was about 0.51. In Landrace, the frequency of allele B reached from 0.02 for boars to 0.03 for sows. No significant deviations of the observed genotype frequencies from the frequencies expected according to Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium were found in both breed. Opposite trends in allele frequencies development could be assumed for analysed sows and boars of both breeds. In Large White sows the frequency of allele B raised probably due prefering sows with BB genotype, whereas in Landrace population the frequency of allele B decreased from yet unknown reasons.

Guatemalská makadlovka hlízová (Scrobipalpopsis solanivora Povolný, 1973) před branami Evropy (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae)Dalibor PovolnýActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2004, 52(1), 183-196|DOI:10.11118/actaun200452010183

After its spread through many potato growing states of South America the Guatemalan potato tuber moth (Scrobipalpopsis solanivora Povolný, 1973) was introduced into the Canary Islands (1998 - 2000) and caused several outbreaks both in potato fields and stores. This paper deals with the generic status of this insect pest and summarizes the most important results of its studies and research. This paper is aimed mainly at the European institutions of plant protection reacting especially on the needs expressed by the European Plant Production Organisation (EPPO). The paper is accompanied by coloured figures of moths and damage on potato tubers and with sketches of taxonomically important characters of the pest.

Analýza vývoje vybraných ukazatelů demografické statiky a dynamiky České republiky v letech 1993-2003Milan Palát, Erich MacaActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2005, 53(6), 129-144|DOI:10.11118/actaun200553060129

The paper is aimed at the presentation of findings obtained in the study of the average level, variability, dynamics, developmental trends and a short-time point extrapolation prediction of the population in the Czech Republic and their structure according to gender and scale of the economic generation. In addition to the exact evaluation of the selected indicators, the analysis is also aimed to general rates of natural reproduction of population and their movement in the defined territorial unit and time interval 1993-2003. There are also presented relative rates of marriages, divorces, live births and deaths to mid-year population.

HODNOCENÍ STABILIZACE POVRCHOVÉ KOROZE Oceli NÁTĚROVÝMI HMOTAMIAleš Dvořák, Marta ŠčerbejováActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2005, 53(5), 31-38|DOI:10.11118/actaun200553050031

This article deals with laboratory experiments focused on protective and stabilizing effects of paints designed to protect rusted steel surfaces. Two well-known paints (the Hammerite No.1 Rustbeater synthetic paint and the Antirezin water-soluble paint) have been evaluated. The standardized tests according to ČSN have been used for the evaluation. Stabilization of rusted steel surface hasn't been demonstrated during the tests. The SEM test method that covers micro-analysis of elements has been used for the evaluation as well.

SROVNÁNÍ METOD STANOVENÍ FAKTORU ERODOVATELNOSTI PŮDY KJana Dufková, František Toman, Milada ŠťastnáActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2005, 53(5), 197-206|DOI:10.11118/actaun200553050197

The comparison of values of the soil erodibility factor K (which is used in the universal equation for soil loss calculation), that were determined according to the main soil units and values of the K factor determined on the base of texture analysis, has found differences in soil texture in the range of the same main soil unit. The need of the laboratory analyses follows from the comparative analyses for the determination of K factor that is also necessary for determination of threat of soil by water erosion or for the projection of erosion control. The values of K factor that was specified according to the soil ecological units could be possible to take as orientational ones.

Porovnanie exteriéru moravského a šarvarského teplokrvníkaJana Šamková, Iva Jiskrová, Eva SobotkováActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2005, 53(4), 145-150|DOI:10.11118/actaun200553040145

Measurements of 7 body measures and 6 indices of body conformation on 34 breeding individuals of Moravian warm-blooded horse and 19 of Sarvar horse (Leutstettener) were used to analyse the effect of country of origin (Czech Republik, Germany), sire lines or breed (Furioso, Przedswit, English thoroughbred, Sarvar, Others) and age (4 classes). All horses were measured by one person. Measures and indexes were analysed by GLM procedure. Significant differences were found between both Czech and German population only in index of body frame. Sarvar horses are longer to their height than Moravian warm-blooded horses. The shorter body frame have the horses by English thoroughbred, the longer by Furioso. The younger horses are higher than the older. According to results of Linear Description of Body Conformation we found out, that population of Sarvar horse is more balanced than population of Moravian warm-blooded horse.

Konzistence podnikových procesů vyjádřenÁ formálním aparátem transakcíMilan Mišovič, Ivana RábováActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2005, 53(3), 117-126|DOI:10.11118/actaun200553030117

Using a progressive Information Technology for development of Software Modules for Enterprise Information Systems brings a lot of practical and theoretical problems. One of them is a verification of results achieved in Life Cycle Stages. Object Oriented Analysis has the main position in the Object Life Cycle of Information Systems. It gives fundamental diagrams that will be processed in the Design and Implementation phases. We mention diagrams for enterprise processes and their refining to enterprise transaction diagrams. The Unified Modeling Language (UML) has been very often used to enterprise processes and transactions modeling. There is one of very practical and theoretical problems concerning enterprise processes - their internal consistency that can be observed on the level of object transactions. We have in mind such problem as transaction feasibility and object cooperation feasibility in transactions that are strongly bound with states of objects. Therefore, a testing of object complex transactions before their programming appears to be very useful activity.
This article introduces a formal description of the object cooperation logic. Therefore there is defined not only an elementary transaction feasibility but also an elementary object cooperation feasibility. It enables to search the feasibility of certain strings of elementary transactions and elementary object collaborations. One string of elementary transactions is very often regarded as a path. There are found two different systems of state logical equations. The first describes path transaction feasibility and the second path object cooperation feasibility. The functional correctness of any complex transaction is founded on a functional correctness of all its paths.

Daňová optimalizace při prodeji nehmotného majetkuEva FábkováActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2004, 52(6), 225-230|DOI:10.11118/actaun200452060225

During the implementation of their activities on the market, a lot of companies deal with the issues of increasing their market shares, the know-how improvement, gaining competitive advantage over their competitors, etc. One of the possibilities how to solve out the said problems is for instance the acquisition of know-how, databases, software, and patents which will provide the company with the competitive advantage from another company. At the acquisition of the assets, there is a great space for the tax optimisation, i.e. how to purchase (sell) the assets with the minimum tax burden.

Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis (2024)
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Name: Duncan Muller

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