DIY Arched Wall Library — Smor Home (2024)

What do you do when dream of having an arched wall library in your home? You hack robe inserts from Bunnings and make it!

I am so excited to finally share my DIY Arched Wall Library! This project has been months in the making and I couldn’t be happier! Ever since we built our home, we have always regretted not adding a wall library. A row of bookshelves where we can beautifully store our books and keepsakes. We’ve been talking about it for years and I am so excited to be partnering with Bunnings to turn this dream into a realty!

This is without a doubt my biggest DIY project to date. I did heaps of research, spoke to the team at Bunnings and watched lots of YouTube tutorials (especially this one!) before diving headfirst into the project with gusto. I learned lots of new skills, including how to use a mitre saw and a brad nail gun and I am very proud I built this DIY Arched Wall Library with my own two hands. I’ve always wanted an arched wall library in our house and this has blown my expectations and dreams. This project was a total labour of love and every time I walk past my studio, I can’t help but smile. It looks so beautiful! And I hope you feel inspired to give it a try. Read on to learn how to make your own DIY Arched Wall Library, as always I have included the project details, materials with links and step by step instructions.

And to see how this DIY Arched Wall Library came together, make sure you check out this video!

Before & After

DAY TWO - 8 hours

Hold one panel of hardboard above one robe insert (ensure it’s pushed up flush to the ceiling) and using a pen make the following marks below. If this sounds confusing, please head over to my Instagram Stories under Arched Library and watch how I did this step.

  1. Please ensure the hardboard panel is pushed up flush to the ceiling before moving onto the next steps. You will need someone to help you with this.

  2. Make a mark indicating the top of the shelf on the left side.

  3. Make a mark noting where the side of the robe insert starts on the left side as well as the inside of the robe insert. Mark 2cm inwards from the inside mark. Repeat for the right side.

  4. Then make another mark halfway between the first and second robe insert.

Workout how high you would like the arch to be cut; I chose 40cm above the top of the robe inserts. Draw the arch using a pen and string. Cut the arch out using a jigsaw. Make sure the hardboard is secured to your work surface with clamps.

When cut, position the cut hardboard into place over the top of the first robe insert (making sure the top is pushed up to the ceiling), mark where the hardboard lines up on the ceiling with a pen and remove the hardboard. Drill two pilot holes into a piece of cut pine and then drill this piece pine into the ceiling. Secure the cut hardboard to the pine in the ceiling and the sides of the robe insert using the brad nailer gun.

Use the leftover arch to trace directly onto a new piece of hardboard and repeat the process until the four arches are secured to the ceiling and robe inserts.

Measure, mark and cut the final pieces of hardboard that are to be positioned down the middle and ends of the robe inserts, then use the brad nail gun to secure them in place. Don’t worry if there are any gaps, you will fill these in later.

Cover the hardboard seams and ends (5 in total) with one piece of moulding and secure them each with the brad nail gun from the ceiling (not the ground). Measure, mark and cut the final pieces of moulding.

Fill in the hardboard gaps and brad nail holes with the multipurpose filler, and use a flat spatula to make sure the application is flat against the hardboard. Fill in the sides between the hardboard and moulding with Selley’s No More Gaps and a caulking gun in sections, and run your fingertip down the silicone to give it a smooth finish. Wipe your hand of excess filler using your fingertip and when you are finished using the caulking gun, push a nail into the No More Gaps nozzle to ensure the silicone doesn’t dry out.

And that’s it for Day 2 - it’s a big day so make sure you rest up! If you don’t have enough time to dedicate a whole day, break Day Two after the hardboard has been cut and secured using the brad nail gun. You can do the moulding and gap filling the next day.

DIY Arched Wall Library — Smor Home (2024)
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Author: Van Hayes

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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.