Dunkirk Evening Observer, Jun 22, 1959, p. 3 (2024)

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Dunkirk Evening Observer, Jun 22, 1959, p. 3 (1)

Acton Free Press

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Dunkirk Evening Observer (Newspaper) - June 22, 1959, Dunkirk-Fredonia, New YorkCommon Council official report common Council City tuesday june regular present councilman at Large councilmen glow Boorady and also present mayor City attorney City treasurer Board of As lessors assessors Day and police chief fire chief Centner and welfare ser officer Reading of the minutes of the previous meeting was dispel same having been approved in writing by a majority of reports of committees finance general Bills on the current Jund in the amount of assessment fund Bills in the amount of construction of sanitary trunk Force main fund Bills in the amount of and water fund Bills in the amount of councilman Murray moved that the Bills be approved by this warrants drawn for the various amounts and the Bills All voting summons complaint of lil Lian Beihoff against the Chautauqua National Bank of James town and the City of Dunkirk councilman Glowski moved thai it be referred to the City attorney All voting petitions and communications petition of Murray Hose requesting that the names of Lawrence or and Thomas Paul Madurski be added to the Active City fire Roll and a discharge certificate be granted to Harry Hamernik and his name retained on the councilman Murray moved that the request be All voting v petition of 13 taxpayers of Wright Park drive requesting action to be taken on Clearing lots 12 and 14 Block 712 which is creating a health Hazard to Resi councilman Glowski moved that the petition be referred to the City Engineer with Power to All voting petition of Catherine Hig 736 Swan requesting a Street Light at the end of the 700 councilman Murray moved that the petition be referred to the Light All voting communication from Niagara Mohawk Power corporation at Taching proposals for new Street lights on Otter and Monroe by councilman Longi resolved that in accordance with agreement dated december 1957 Niagara Mohawk Power corporation be directed to make the following changes to the Street lighting system in the City of Dun Kirk install one 1 Lumen incandescent Street lamp in an open suburban reflector in an 8 feet Masharn on pole Otter by councilman Long resolved that in accordance with agreement dated december 1957 Niagara Mohawk Power corporation be directed to make the following changes to the Street lighting system in the City of Dun install one 1 Lumen incandescent Street lamp in an open suburban reflector on an 8 Inch Masharn on pole Mon Roe All voting communication from Dunkirk launderers cleaners requesting information for leasing two 2 parking meters in front of the building located at 205 Central councilman Murray moved that the communication be referred to the police chief with Power to All voting communication from the Dun Kirk police benevolent Assoc a signed also by 19 Mem Bers of the Dunkirk police Force requesting a mini mum wage patrolman that Complete six months probation period receive lop salary also requesting immediate received and communication from City treasurer Janice advising that he has awarded and sold said Bond anticipation notes for sewers 1956 4 r for to div Kirk Trust 5 r for 000 to Lake Shore Chan Tau qua n b of 6 r for to Trust Dunkirk Branch at Al so advising that said notes shall Bear interest at a rate of 3 per cent per received and Fil communication from City Engineer Stumpf requesting that the mayor be authorized to sign a deed conveying a Small triangular Par cel 13 feet x 16 feet in size to said land being at the rear of his councilman Long moved that the City engineers request be granted and the mayor authorized to sign the All voting reports report of Ida Library rare Dunkirk free Library for the month of May received an report of Brooks memorial hos Pital for the month of May 1959 received and report of court clerk Ledere for the month of May mfr Cei Ved and report of police chief Kinn of the month of May receive and report of City Engineer stump regarding the bids for the construction of an 8 Inch a Trifie tile pipe sanitary sewer in Simc recommending that the bid of Frank symans be a by councilman Long that the Low by of Frank 4 Taf new York in the aggregate amount of for the construction of an 8 inc vitrified tile pipe sanitary sewer in ounce Street be accepted the City attorney directed to pro pare the necessary contract Doc tibents the mayor authorized t execute the same and the Cit clerk directed to return the guarantee deposits of the unsuccessful All to ing motions and Resolution councilman Murray moved tin the Dunkirk free Lola Jaycee be permitted to erect a 15 x 2 foot stand for the Sale of hot dog and soft said stand to b located on the South Wall of the City owned Boathouse at the foe of Central and will b open from june 24 to 195 proper insurance coverage mus be All voting miscellaneous business the following taxpayers a dressed the Council relative i dust caused by the Sand and Sla deposited on City owned proper on Lucas Avenue mrs Edward 38 Lucas a Gnu Philip 76 Luca Joseph 64 Luca Susan 75 mar Sec addressed the Council rela Tive to her petition requesting the deed of half of part of the Stree abutting the property located o Deer Between Marsden Stree and Newton to be used of gardening Danie son further addressed the coun cil regarding traffic Congestio caused by the Railroad employee and Rucks loading and unloading near her property at 75 Marsde councilman Boorady de that the City attorney be d reeled to write a letter to the Railroad informing them o this All Voi ing Edward 4 West 7th Street addressed the Council relative to the Blacktop your High protein milk makes Energy oar milk is High in if t a powerhouse of lasting you never outgrow your need for the proteins to carry on really lastingly order your bargain Basket now during our 3rd week special Basket filled with fresh Cream Dairy chocolate cottage cheese weeks color Canary yellow Briggs and sons Dairy Lake Shore paving of Fth councilman Long moved to Adall voting Joseph kozlowsk1 City clerk Forestville it miss Ada Norman for Trout fto5m Oes Tho Forestville order of was Lem Star past club holc its june meeting in the form o a picnic monday evening in the backyard of Blanche Mont Gomegys Home with a Good at following a picnic supper the guests adjourned to the House of a Short business meeting conducted by Jean Tiv club adjourned for the summer months and will reconvene it september at the Home of mrs Marian Holmes place with her mrs Carl Loiocano As a round Robin letter was sent u Arlene Hanna in san Diego Calif personals miss Lizzie Taylor and or Alfreda Woolley attended the Jun meeting saturday of the Chuntai qua county historical society i the Community Slier mar Rocky Morgan is very ill Al Thi Irene Van rens Sylner received a broken leg from a a tuesday and was admitted t Brooks Christine Caryl was Cal de to Buffalo by the death of he Sandra Price is Mccu Cratin from Gerald Crowell entered the Brooks monday miss Ada a Dele Gate from Forestville methods Church accompanied and mrs Raymond t Erie conference in Caily wednesday morning Edith Hall was a sunday dinner guest of and met Lin Jones and attended a Praise service at the new Wesley Church in Little Valley and i the evening went to East Leon evangelistic Elton vice presiden of the Northern Chautauqua Council and District director o citizenship and International rela left monday by plane to at tend a conference in new Yore Forestville firemen responded to a Call to the barn fire of Ernes Maslach on the Arkwright Towi line the Philbrick ambulance was called to the same scent because of a heart attack suffered by Ted Pesta wednesday personals Gerald Crowell and Gladys Jordan have returned Home from he Mortimer Rian of Washington has been visiting his Sis miss Nellie Rian and Plinnie Salisbury the past week and attending the alumni ban Ethel Potter and Daugher Harry Aldrich of fre Donia and Pauline Smith spent last week end in Pine Lains visiting potters William Aldrich and Lora Crowell was a Sun Day dinner guest of Edith Hall and in the evening both at ended the joint baptismal ser ice in the Baptist and Alvin Leonard and family of recent y visited and Robert Howard Livermore returned Home from two months in last Ray Witter to speak Al Kirkof f in Silver Creek Silver Hay of Farmer Prin Cipal of Crock High Las accepted i invitation to at end the Kickoff dinner for Hie re Dehmke memorial fund drive which is scheduled to be held on july in Tho Silver Creek Central elementary school who recently retired us a naval is still Nativo in to sports me is president of Tho Tri county in see and a Lepiny umpires association and still Servos As Umpire in Many he played College football at Al Fred and Syracuse and inter played professional football and at one time was n member of the Olean Pony league baseball he will be one of lie speakers at the dinner according to co chairman of the fund raising drive with super visor Hall woman to defend Coyle tit a Lilly Philadelphia Upp captured in a Mas Sachus ohs Gim fight in which was has agreed to let a woman at Torney hired by n Friend represent him Al his murder trial for the slaying of n policeman Here former state representative Mary Al co Duffy said she finally was Able to talk to Coyle Inmon Mensing prison Arklay no glut and to Naco Plechl her As his attorney during n 20mimilo miss Duffy had tried to Sec Coyle several times since re turn from Massachusetts thursday and she twice filed writs of Hareas charging he hold incommunicado by police she objected vigorously to police staging n reenactment m Tho crime on a North Philadelphia Street before a crowd of per sons without Hor miss retained by Mary who befriended the Coyle Brothers after their the women by Hutu if you want to companion Able with the Here Are things you must avoid As you grow older talking about How much bolts life was Back in the Good old for the Young the Good Days or right dwelling on unpleasant sub such As illness and Deal i Young people dont like to Dwel on the Grimmer aspects of making such statements As dont know what the Young poo pie today Are coming distrusting everything now an clinging to the old of Doin things just because hint is the Way youve always done giving no Mailer to sound it unless it is asked Foi being Overly critical of others lolling yourself be easily Hur by slights that common sons should Tell you arc unintentional looking backward instead of Foi giving up doing things you a perfectly capable of am becoming dependent when y o dont have to having to be entertained All the instead of being in so Many things you dont inv Ime to feel lonely or neglected being thoughtful of others an i cupful in the Many ways tha you can ignoring your age instead of Al ways dwelling on you can1 Lope to be companionable will Young unless your own Spiri s Young and hopeful instead of ired and wrong hold up Olio raced to a finance com Pany Friday Afler miss con stance constello reported that an so ploy there told her on the in being held hiding things police iou Feht out the who explained she was being held rom talking because of some our new phone number pm 64422 air conditioned use it often parents had she was Given an outrageous run around when she tried to see she said when she went to visit Coyle in City she was told no one was permitted to see him without a consent of the District attorneys j m us five year old Vvan Fla to found it on Carrot in her Garduit Tho in tha Garden Ftp and Boyd had through a Diamond Votaw at a flit repeat of a sellout Barefoot sandals covers the its graduation week in Dunkirk Frelonia graduation cards to say How proud you Are skirt Sale Large group of women washable summer skirts values to while they last pretty Cottons solids Light and dark sizes 8 to 16 see our big selection 5 to 5q t let what you Wear be you due process observed with two orderly rows of buttons on sue bretts blouson Sheath with Cap neat insignia on Belt of Arnel and in sizes 7 to mom 12 v red Brown there ily led right thay Fly Reg Hal priced Sonsal Monolly last longer there finely constructed i Nead toy shoe big Sale you save 2025 ends july 1 skip pies 2 for first Quality for fit skip pies pretty Nylon lace front panel for extra control Sale priced for a limited time 2 Inch Waistband to slim Waistline available As pants 854 or Girdle 954 medium or Large in Jasmine White firm Nylon elastic net to trim hips and thighs Satin elastic Back panel for flattening introductory Price on a new Romance Bra elastic front release for fit and Comfort elastic Back strap release for easy fit Long wearing self Straw machine washable 32 to 32 to 388 and g style number 507 a Brand new por fit style Sale priced for limited time Cool Cotton Broadcloth with Nylon lace t nyl braid circe stitched cups for lasting uplift or;

Dunkirk Evening Observer, Jun 22, 1959, p. 3 (2024)
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Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

Phone: +25815234346805

Job: Central Developer

Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.