Plant Nutrition - TIMAC AGRO INTERNATIONAL (2024)

  • Published on 25 Sep 2023Eutrophication, nutrients loss : what are the effects ? Eutrophication (from the Greek eu, good, and trophos, nourished) is the accumulation of nutrients and minerals in an ecosystem, disrupting its delicate balance. This natural phenomenon can be accentuated by human activities, including agriculture. Loss of nutrients through agricultural activities can lead to harmful effects, contributing to eutrophication. Protecting nutrients within fertilizing solutions to […] Read More
  • Published on 19 Sep 2023How to ensure the third nitrogen supply on wheat in increasingly difficult conditions ? Wheat is a demanding crop regarding its requirements in nitrogen. The purpose of the last supply of nitrogen is to secure yield and ensure a sufficient protein content. 80% of nitrogen is already absorbed and will be remobilized for the plant’s growth. Each industry (milling, bread-making, etc.) has its own requirements in relation to these […] Read More
  • Published on 02 Aug 2023How can strong establishment and a uniform start can optimize final yield and quality in onions? The potential yield of onions can be decreased by 50% Due to poor establishment Establishment is a key stage in onion growing. Indeed, this parameter is directly linked to final yield, and mastering control of establishment leads to hom*ogeneous crop development. What are the parameters that can negatively influence establishment, and what are […] Read More
  • Published on 20 Jul 2023Phosphorus, a major element for agriculture? Phosphorus is a key nutrient in agriculture, and phosphorus nutrition is essential for plant development. It is indeed a constituent of plant energy and organic tissues, and promotes root development. It is therefore essential to understand plants’ phosphorus need, its behavior in the in the soil, and how it is supplied and applied. For farmers, […] Read More
  • Published on 15 Jun 2023How to improve your crop yield? Since its beginning, TIMAC AGRO has specialized in innovative solutions for farmers, meeting their precise needs. Since 1989, we have been offering biostimulation perfectly adapted to the challenges of the agricultural world. These solutions are characterized by technologies extracted from plants, active substances inspired by nature and its observation. What’s a plant biostimulant? […] Read More
  • Published on 13 Jun 2023How to optimize rice yield by mitigating the stress effect caused by water stress and temperature changes? Did you know that water stress can reduce rice yield by 85% and 0.73 t/ha by variations of 1% in the maximum temperature? Rice yield is linked to water availability. This crop is particularly sensitive to water stress during reproductive growth, even under moderate drought stress (Hsiao 1982, O’Toole 1982). The plant water content […] Read More
  • Published on 08 May 2023Why is the electrical conductivity of irrigation water important? The potential yield of onions can be decreased by 50% due to a 2 dS/m increase in EC. Electrical conductivity (EC) measures how well a substance can transmit an electrical current. Plants are sensitive to electroconductivity for the absorption of nutrients and water. In the water solution, the EC is directly related to the […] Read More
  • Published on 04 May 2023Why test and monitor your soil’s pH? pH is an important indicator for farmers: it gives an estimate of the quality of their soil, of the nutritive elements available for the plant, of the microorganisms’ activity… A simple indicator, et one crucial to monitor closely: a pH too acidic or too basic highlights negative impacts on the crops planted and, in the […] Read More
  • Published on 06 Apr 2023Why is nitrogen essential in agriculture? (N) is an essential element for plant growth: it is therefore central to crop management. It is the main source of energy for plants : it plays a key role in the creation of amino acids, and is the basis for protein production. It’s also part of the chlorophyll, a requisite for photosynthesis. Its management […] Read More
  • Published on 16 Dec 2022How to successfully establish strawberries and activate their vegetative growth after winter ? Strawberries can suffer a 80% reduction in fruit production when water-stressed at the beginning of the growing season. Strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa) is classified as a low-growing plant with superficial roots (30 cm from the soil profile) with preferentially lateral growth and a crown from which arise basal leaves. When growing this plant there are […] Read More
  • Published on 14 Nov 2022How to optimize lettuce yield by accelerating vegetative growth? 80 kg/ha It’s the average nitrogen exportation needed in Batavia lettuce. Lettuce is a leafy vegetable, characterized by a very short cycle and a very fast vegetative growth, which requires a particular attention for its nitrogen supply. Unbalanced nitrogen supply (too much or not enough) will have a negative impact on growth and final yield. […] Read More
  • Published on 29 Sep 2022What are the effects of nitrogen immobilization? Up to 20% of yield can be affected by nitrogen immobilization! In organic farming, the main source of nutrients for plants comes from organic matter, which can be added or present in the soil. Good management of organic matter is essential to meet the mineral needs of plants. The availability of mineral nitrogen at the […] Read More
  • Published on 08 Aug 2022Bananas, how to combine yield and quality? Did you know that up to 80% of banana losses is due to quality problems ? Banana is one of the main export fruits in the world, so it is important to work on maximizing yield while improving fruit quality to meet the requirements of international markets. Quality can be defined as the sum of […] Read More
  • Published on 15 Jul 2022What is the impact of boron deficiency on rapeseed? Did you know that +2 cm/day it’s the average growth of rapeseed root, during early stages, under optimal conditions? DEEP ROOTING CAPACITY OF RAPESEED Rapeseed yield depends on many parameters. The first one to establish is the number of plants per m². To maximize this component, farmer must pay attention to the three following objectives: […] Read More
  • Published on 29 Jun 2022How to manage long-term hydric stress in grapevines? Did you know one liter of wine needs 400 liters of water during vegetative growth? Vine water regime is known to have the greatest influence on vine physiology (yield, plant vigour, grape quality potential). It is also the hardest to measure, forecast and manage especially due to climate change and abiotic stresses impacts. Evaluating grapevine […] Read More
  • Published on 07 Apr 2022How to Optimize Sugar Content in Beets The challenge in sugar beet production is to maximize the sugar production per hectare. There is a negative correlation between yield and sugar content, as sugar content is generally diluted when yield increases. Nitrogen excess, deficiencies in manganese and zinc can also reduce sugar yield. As farmers are paid not only on yield but also […] Read More
  • Published on 10 Mar 2022How to Avoid Stress During Corn Establishment This initial stage is essential because it will define the first component of the yield; the number of plants per m², and unlike other crops, corn does not have the same ability to compensate this loss. Establishing the desired number of plants begins with planting into a seed bed that is well prepared, has adequate […] Read More
  • Published on 15 Feb 2022How do you promote vegetative regrowth after winter in fruit trees? Perennial fruit crops do not benefit from crop rotation and therefore from soil regeration. Moreover, alternate bearing is a well-known phenomenon in fruit trees that is characterized by a biennial pattern (great yield in year N and lower yield in year N+1). It is the farmer’s aim to manage soil fertility and provide high quality […] Read More
  • Published on 21 Dec 2021How to reduce soybean flower abortion from hydric stress Farmers lose an average of 40% of soybean yield due to hydric stress! Soybean is a major crop around the world. It is mainly grown in rainy conditions, but with the recent global climatic changes, more and more growers use supplemental irrigation in order to sustain this valuable crop during a drought. Indeed, FAO1 highlighted […] Read More
  • Published on 09 Nov 2021Why do Grassland need Sulphur? In recent years, industrial Sulphur emissions have been reduced, meaning crops receive less sulphur from their environment. It is becoming more and more important to bring additional S to crops. The same goes for grasslands. Sulphur in grassland can be partly supplied through the mineralization of organic matter. However, mineralization may not be enough, and […] Read More
  • Published on 05 Oct 2021How to Prevent Fruit Splitting In Citrus Physical appearance is an important factor to ensure commercial yield for citrus fruits, especially since 84% of them are consumed fresh. Their attractiveness is linked to their skin or peel (firmness, smoothness, gloss and color). Physiological disorders such as splitting and creasing increase financial losses. 10-35% of citrus display splitting or creasing disorders, which severely […] Read More
  • Published on 21 Sep 2021How to Make the Most of Your Farm Effluents Improvinghowyoumanageyourlivestockeffluentsisa bigeconomicandenvironmentalchallenge.Eachstepof the processneedstobeconsidered,fromtheanimalfeedtospreadingmanure.​ Manureisa mixture of animaldungmixedwithlittercomponents (straw,woodshaving…)storedon a platform or in the building.​ Slurryiscomposedof effluentswithaverylowquantityof drymatterandisstoredin a pit.​ Bothtypes of effluents canbeproducedby bovins, ovins,swine, andpoultry, andeachhasdifferentfertilizingcapabilities.​ Thestorageand management of effluentsisnot simple.Herearesomefrequentlyencountereddifficulties:​ Thestoredmanureisaheavyproduct,takesupspace,producesstrongodorsandsmellsofammonia. (NH3). Badlymanagedmanurecan :​ Becomplicatedtodecompose​ Beasphyxiatingfor thesoil​ The slurry stock in a pittakesup a lot ofspace, andneedstobemanagedcorrectlybecause:​ It releasesodorsofammoniaandsulfur.​ Createsacrustat […] Read More
  • Published on 08 Sep 2021How to Improve Soil Fertility A deeper understanding of soil composition is essential in order to create optimized fertility programs. Among other factors observed through soil analysis, organic matter is a reliable indicator of soil fertility, as it affects physical, chemical, and biological properties of the soil Organic Matter is essential for attaining healthy soil fertility. Biological […] Read More
  • Published on 04 Aug 2021How do certain fertilizers impact soil pH? Low calcium levels can lower pH. Calcium is a secondary element that is required in high quantities. It also plays a role in increasing or maintaining a soil’s pH levels, and its losses must be regularly compensated. On average, a field loses 400kg to 700kg of calcium per ha per year. Calcium loss is the […] Read More
  • Published on 19 Jul 2021How to Increase the Yield and Quality of Processed Tomatoes? Tomatoes are consumed all around the world fortheirnutritional and organoleptic qualities.25%oftheworldproductionisfortheprocessedmarket (2002).According to the requirements of the processed tomato market, growers need to focus on yield and physical quality. Fruit development is an important concern regarding yield and fruit quality in processedtomatoes. The first two weeks after fruit set is the phase of cell division […] Read More
  • Published on 03 Jun 2021How to Improve Apple Conservation by Reducing Bitter Pit Bitter Pitisaphysiologocaldisorder,linkedto a calciumdeficiencyinapples. Symptoms:darkbrownor blacklesions,resultsof the breakdownof the cells underthe skin, appearon the skin of the fruitonly after harvest. Calcium is not very mobile within the trees. Even though soil and leaves are correctlyfed with this element, a deficiency can appear on fruits. This is especially true whenthe number of fruits is high and […] Read More
  • Published on 27 May 2021Wheat: Preparing the Root System for Tillering and Vegetative Growth The number of tillers is the primary yield component of straw cereals, including wheat, the world’s most widely grown cereal. The number of tillers is fundamental to crop yield development. It will compensate for the loss of plants during sowing due to poor planting. It is directly related to the final number of ears. Three […] Read More
  • Published on 19 May 2021How to Increase Potato Tuber Size and Yield The main challenge for farmers at the end of the tuber initiation phase is to achieve a high number of tubers above 15 mm. Any tubers that do not reach this size shrink and disappear. The main challenge after the tuber initiation phase is to optimise the reserves and obtain a maximum of marketable tubers. […] Read More
  • Published on 17 May 2021How to Help Grapevines Recover after a Difficult Frost Period 100% : this isthe percentageof a vineyard that can​ bedamaged by frost. Cold snaps and frosts have hit many orchards and vineyards these last few weeks in France. ​ High yield reduction will be expected due to these cold waves, occurring after weeks of heat andcropdevelopment.​ During dormancy, grapevines can support temperatures as low as […] Read More
  • Published on 02 Apr 2021How can we increase the apple yield​ that reaches commercial yield?​ The metabolism activity of the tree from flowering till the harvest is essential to ensure the highest possible commercial yield. Metabolism linked to fruit growth has to be supported by the energy of the plant. If not, the caliber will be scarce and irregular at harvest. Supporting the energetic production and transport into the plant […] Read More
  • Published on 18 Mar 2021Wheat harvest quality: how to improve grain filling for high TKW and high protein rate? Thousand kernel weight (TKW) is a yield component, and protein rate is a price component. Both are important parameters to farmers and depend on photosynthetical activity as well as nitrogen availability.​ ​Up to 50% of photosynthetical activity of wheat is due to the flag leaf.​ At flag leaf stage (BBCH 39), 80% of nitrogen is […] Read More
  • Published on 28 Jan 2021How to make the most of grass silage first cut? ​ First silage cut is essential for farmers as this cut will provide forage stock for the winter. Although nitrogen is essential to ensure the yield, other elements have to be watched closely, especially phosphorus (P). Nitrogen and phosphorus synergy has been known for a very long time in agriculture. Some soils may have high content […] Read More
  • Published on 28 Dec 2020How to increase yield by optimizing spring growth? Spring is the period when winter rapeseed plants are speeding up their development. All the activities are increasing: biomass accumulation, leaf area development, photosynthesis. To support the intensification, necessary to maximize the number of seeds and therefore the yield, the plant has to uptake big amounts of nutrients.​ ZOOM ON TWO ESSENTIAL NUTRIENTS:​ NITROGEN​ ​ […] Read More
  • Published on 11 Apr 2019TIMAC AGRO Polska invests in scanners for soil analysis TIMAC AGRO Polska cooperates with farmers whose crops are very varied: wheat, corn, rapeseed, sugar beet, apples or berries. Crop area is very diverse, with farms ranging from 5 ha to 3500 ha. Until now, the company has only been doing laboratory research. Łukasz Peroń, Marketing Director at TIMAC AGRO Polska, wishes to pursue other […] Read More
  • Published on 29 Mar 2019Technical day on potatoes with McCain On Thursday 20 December, a technical day on potatoes was organised by the Nord-Pas de Calais agricultural council. 300 people took part in the event, including technicians, regional distributors and about 250 potato producers. The Centre Mondial de l’Innovation Roullier (CMI) was invited to attend this technical meeting to share its expertise in plant nutrition […] Read More
  • Published on 17 Jan 2019The Sugar Beet Sector 80% of the sugar we consume comes from sugar cane. Sugar beet generates the remaining 20%. This plant is used for another dynamic market: the bioethanol market (9% of Sugar Beet production in 2017). Main global sugar beet producers in 2014 (Thousands of tonnes) – France, with 37 845 tonnes; – Russia, with 33 513 […] Read More
  • Published on 16 Nov 2018The potato sector TIMAC AGRO has been improved the performance of the Fruit, Vegetable and Industrial crops sectors thanks to its ATCs skills. They are the ones who are close to the farmers, who are aware of the reality on the field and playing a key role. By offering the best solutions, they are helping them to produce […] Read More
  • Published on 04 Oct 2018TIMAC AGRO Brasil – winner of the Soybean Maximum Productivity Competition in Brazil TIMAC AGRO Brasil is the winner of the Soybean Maximum Productivity Competition in Brazil for the third time. The 2018 Soybean Maximum Productivity Contest in Brazil once again highlighted TIMAC AGRO’s customers. Brazilian champion Gabriel Bonato harvested 7.6 tonnes per hectare using TIMAC AGRO products. The first of the Irrigated Category, customer Vitor Ceolin, […] Read More
Plant Nutrition - TIMAC AGRO INTERNATIONAL (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.