The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

01 2-D- Manipulation of currency has been carried too far JAMES E. LEBHERZ KEY MONEY RATES As the bond market continues to the fate of the dollar in the As of 4-10 As of 4-3 Year ago foreign exchange market, Larry Kud- 6-mo. Treasury bill (coupon eq. yield) 6.28% 5.91% 6.25% former chief economist of the 1-yr. Treasury bill (coupon eq.

yield) 6.56% 6.08% 6.32% Office of Management and Budget 2-yr. Treasury note 6.96% 6.56% 6.59% under David Stockman, has definite 10-yr. Treasury note 7.95% 7.57% 7.28% views on the administration's 30-yr. Treasury note 8.16% 7.88% 7.37% approach to the dollar and the trade New AA long public utility bonds 9.35% 9.05% 8.60% deficit. Bond buyer 20-bond muny index 7.27% 6.93% 7.25% 30-day muny supply blue list volume $5.43 bi.

$4.91 bi. $5.37 bill. "The plan to move the dollar lower 30-day corp. bond calendar $3.23 bill. $3.65 bi.

$3.05 ba. 3 was formulated in mid-1985 and at that time the idea had merit, but there always bas to be a balance between money supply and a higher federal Kudlow also believes rates need not domestic concerns, international con- funds rate. go that high. "If the Fed moves decisiceros and inflation concerns," said "The weakness in the dollar has vely and quickly, it may be possible to Kudlow, economist at the concerned the Fed because they keep interest rates from rising as now chief Wall Street firm of Bear, Stearns believe that the weakness could stim- much (as he's forecasting)," he said. Co.

ulate inflation." In other words, in a perverse way, a "I think that manipulating the cur- The Federal Reserve also fears that 50-basis-point rise in the federal funds rency; which in itself is a form of weakness could cause concern among rate in the next 30 days might remove protectionism, can be unwise if car- the Group of Seven nations, which the need for a 100-basis-point rise by cried too far, and it has been carried may worry that the U.S. is creating an year end. And you might see longtoo far. unsettled trade and world economic term bond rates settle around if "That's evident, because so far in situation, he said. The so-called Group the dollar will sufficiently stabilize.

1987, the dollar has already fallen of United Seven representatives of the "So my view is that the longer the and the bond market, and the States, Japan, West Germany, Fed waits, the more difficult the final gold and silver markets are all signal- Britain, France, Italy and Canada interest rate adjustment will be and ling inflation fears and are trying to have agreed to work toward stabiliz- that would damage the economy. But tell; the government that they have ing "All of exchange these rates. mov- if the Fed moves more hastily, then gone too far," he said. ing the Fed in concerns the may direction be of stability can come more quickly and When asked whether the dollar restraint," Kudiow said, "but most of that stability includes gold, the dollar problem was a political problem, their work is still largely in front of he and said. at least long-term interest rates," Kudlow said, "It's partly political and them." partly monetary.

The dollar will not Kudlow's outlook is for higher inter- It would appear that Kudlow and convincingly find a bottom or stabili- est rates. A stronger economy, Paul A. Volcker, chairman of the Fedration point until the Federal Reserve stronger private credit demands and eral Reserve, may be thinking along shows clear evidence of a more higher inflation will all help push the the same lines. restrained monetary policy. That yield on 30-year Treasuries to and And in case you hadn't noticed, the means more than two quarters of a the federal funds rate to 7.5% by the long Treasury is now yielding more slowdown in growth of bank reserves, end of the year.

than DONOGHUE'S MONEY FUND CHART with assets of $100 million or more that are availe to individual Investors. For period ended April 7. 1-doy 1-doy Assets Avg. Mat- (oct) Yield de Govt Series Alex Prime Alliance Group Capital Reserves 1451.0 Gort Capital Reserves Reserve 280.5 Cash Mat Trust Fund Capital Preservation Fund Hi 454.3 Cardinal Securities 01.1 Carnegie Govt Securities Trust Asants Trust Cash Equivalent Fund Cash Equivalent Gov'1 Only Cash Management Trust Centennial Money Mkt Trust Churchill Cash Reserve Tr. Columbia Deity income Composite Cash Mgt Co.

Cartland Trust General M. M.F. Counselors Cash Reserve Dolly Cash a Accumulation 2,599.7 Current Interest Daly Reserves 20.6 Dean Wither. Active Govt Sec. 205.1 Sears U.S.

Govt MUM. T. 510.1 Stars Delaware Active Assets Cash Money Reserve Trust Trust CEASE Drexel Burnham Lambert Inc. DEL und Gov'1 Sac. Port.

1S DEL Cash Port. A Drivius Drevtos Llouid Assets 7071.2 5.6 Dreytos Instruments Gov't 817.6 ED Jones Daily Passport Eaton Vance Cash Mgt Fund 209.1 FF Cash Mgt. Fund 313.4 Fidelity Investments Fidelity Cash Reserves 5.410.6 Fidelity Daily Income Fidelity U.S. Gov'! Reserves Financial Doily income Flest Investors Cash Mgt First Lakeshore M.MA.F. 176.9 First Variable Rote Franklin Federal M.F.

Money Fund Fund for Investors 445.4 General Govt Secs. M.M.F. 306.7 General Money Market Fund 640.7 Government Investors Trust 190.7 Grodison Cash Reserves 009.3 Hutton. E.F,. Cash Reserve 3,909.1 63 IDS Join Kamper Kerstone Hutton Mutton Cash Hanco*ck Money AMA Liquid ALM.

Government Management Cash Cash Market Trust Securities Mgt Fund Fund 2,310.3 771.9 315.7 804.0 2 CECEEECE Kidder Peabody Kidder Peabody Gov'1 M.F. Inc. kidder Peabody Premium Webster Cash Reserve Landmark Funds Cash Reserves 162.1 Lazard Frets Cash Mgt, Fund Inc. Government Fund Inc. Lapp Mason Cash Res.

Trust 313.4 Lehman Management Cash Res. Lexington Money Market 171.7 Liberty Trust Liquid Capital Income Liquid Green Trust 177.1 Lord Abbett Cash Reserve 156.7 Lutheran Brotherhood M.M.F. (r) m.3 Moriner Cash Mgt Fund Mariner Government Fund Market Master Moss Cash Management Trust McDonald Money Market Merrill Lynch CBA Money Fund 204.6 CHA Govt Securities. 2.0013 CHA Money Fund Merrill Lynch Gov'! Merrill Lynch Institutional Merrill Lunch Ready 10,869.7 Merrill Lunch Ret. Res.

M.F. (r) Merritt Lunch USA Gov'1 Res. Midwest Income ST Gov'1 14.3 Money Market 195.1 Mutual of Omaha M.M.A. 20.8 ALE. Cash Mgt Series 695.3 MLR Cash Portfolio 1,210.5 NLR Government Portfollo 113.0 Nationwide 31.1 Newberger Bermon Gov'! M.F.

132.6 Dopenheimer M. Inc. 92.3 Pacific American M.M.F. (r) 0.0 Pocific Horizon 1,030.1 5.6 Pacific Horizon 5.8 Poine Webber Prime Partway Polne Paine Paine Cash Webber Webber Cash Fund Fund RMA RMA CASHFUND Inc. M.F M.F./M.M.

/U.S. Gov't Port. 4,220.0 2.310.3 254.3 14.7 23333 88333 Prudential-Boche Securities Command Gov'1 Fund 5.6 IRA's 9.5% Ranked No. ONE by "MONEY MAGAZINE" (216) 331-8012 The Plain Dealer Sunday magaxine; interesting reading all week. 4 1,493.1 4169.0 $08.5 775.2 3 250.0 266.1 406.8 1,567.5 511.9 25 5.6 5.8 1, 5.6 43 7 3,715.3 2,122.9 CONS CECE 2, 4.0 1,71.6 5.9 19.9 6,321.5 209.3 350.9 (22.3 Tucker Anthony Cash Mot Tucker Anthony Gov'! Sec.

Fund Twentieth Century Cash Reserve UM8 Money Market Fund Federal USAA Money Market Fund UST Moster Gov'1 UST Master Money Fund United Cash Management Value Line Cash Fund Vanguard Federal Portfolio Prime Portfolio Vantage Cash M.M.F. Wayne Hummer M.F. Trust M.M. Working Assets Money Fund Donoghue's Money Fund Averages (Averages tor all 284 taxable funds) $.5 176.7 111 225.6 440.4 5027 409.1 103.3 106.6 (tm) 13 5.44 S9 30-day average vied 5.41 MONEY FUND TABLE COMMENTARY: Assets of the 24 taxable money funds reported by Donoghue's Money Fund Report increased $1.7 billion to $224.3 billion in the week ended April 7. The funds' seven-doy average vied remained at 5.40%.

The taxable funds' 30-doy average yield increased to 5.41% from 5.3%%. The taxable funds' average maturity lengthened by two days to 43 doys. William E. Donoghue said, "Total assets of taxable and money funds Increased $2.9 billion last work as investors reacted to the stock market's volatility. Meanwhile, the averase maturity of all taxable money funds lengthened two days to 43 dovs.

This average maturity stil represents a shortening of 10 days from Nov. 4, 196. On that dote, the AM of 53 days was the highest in over seven Yield columns represent: annualized total return to shartholders for post seven days and seven-day compounded (eftective) rotes of return. Past returns are not necessarily Indicative of future Investment quality and maturity may vary among funds. (r) restricted availabit it.

Reprinted in condensed form with permission from Donoghue's Money Fund Report of Holliston, Mass. 01740. 1-000 YOUNG MEDICAL BUILDING Ideally situated near St. Luke's, University Hospital, Mt. Sinai, and The Cleveland Clinic, the Young Medical Building has the amenities you want for your medical and professional practice at much lower rates than you'd expect.

Space starts at $10.50 per square foot. Brokers welcome. HANNAN Commerce Park Square 23200 Chagrin Boulevard Cleveland, Ohio 44122 Command Money Fund MoneyMart Assets Prudential-Boche Gov'1 Sec. Trust Putnam Daily Dividend Trust Quest for Value Cash Mgt. Tr.

Reich Tang, Inc. Dolly Income Fund Inc. Short Term Income Fund Short Term Govt Renaissance Assets Reserve Port. Reserve Port. Rothschild (L.F.) Earnings Liq.

Scudder Scudder Cash Investment Trust Scudder Government M.F. Selleman C.M. Fund Prime Shearson Lehman Bros. Shearson Daily Dividend Shearson FMA Cash Shearson FMA Government Shearson Gov' Agencies FedFund 7-Fund Temp Cost TemoF und Short-Term Asset Reserves Standby Reserve Fund inc. SteinRoe Cost Reserves Summit Cash Reserves T.

Rowe Price T. Rowe Price Prime Reserve T. Rowe Price U.S. Treos. M.F.

The Galaxy Funds M.M.F. Thomson Mck innon Transamerica Cash Reserve Trinity Liquid Assets Trust Trust for Cash Reserves YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND A COMMUNICATIONS CAREERS SEMINAR Friday, May A.M. to 2 P.M. at John Carroll University The big names will tell you how to make a name for yourself in: On -Air Broadcasting TV Programming Production Radio Music Programming Newscasting Newspaper Reporting Engineering and Technical Operations Marketing and Management in Media. Ask there stars how they got started and how you can get started, too: Leon Bibb, Doreen Gentzier, Dale Solly, Rosemary Kovacs, "Flash" Ferenc The Plain Dealer.

and Jeff Kinzbach. And many, many more from WKYC, WHIMS 100.7FM, and Because of the limited facilities, you must register quickly. Senior high school principals in the Northern Ohio area have been sent information and registration forms. All students attending from a school should register together and must register through the class advisor or principal. There is a nominal charge of $4.00 per person to cover lunch and incidental costs.

Sponsored by: The Plain Dealer John Ar WYC-IV Leadership in Community Service University 100.1 Fm -THE PLAIN DEALER, MONDAY, APRIL 13, 1987 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS FILE TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX RETURNS NOT LATER THAN APRIL 30, 1987 On or before April 30, 1987 all corporations, partnerships and individuals engaged in business in Cuyahoga County are required to file tangible personal property tax returns on machinery, equipment, furniture and fixtures, supplies and merchandise. A timely filed return entitles each taxpayer to an exemption not greater than $10,000 of listed value of taxable property. Taxpayers filing their returns after April 30, 1987 will receive a penalty and automatically lose of the available tax exemption of taxable value. The school systems of our County are the major beneficiaries of this tax. Please file your return timely.

Personal Property Tax forms are available in Room 110, County Administration Bldg. For information call 443-7136 or 443-7165 Weekdays from 8:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. MAIL RETURNS TO TIM McCORMACK CUYAHOGA COUNTY AUDITOR Room 110 County Administration Bldg. 1219 Ontario Street Cleveland, Ohio 44113 p.d.apr.

13,15.24,26,28,1987 DRD72637 NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed bids for Fire Alarms Systems der will be properly secured. Please contact John Marrelll Sr. at 932-7800, extension 115, for further intormation and to view the units. Bids must be sealed and endorsed: "Bid for 1979 Dodge ton pick-Up" "Bid for the 1973 Dodge "Bid for the 1981 Ford LTD S-4 Door Sedan' "Bid for the 1982 Ford LTD S-4 Door Sedan" The right is reserved to relect any and all bids and to waive Irregularities. Dated: 4947.

BARBARA J. CALVERT, Clerk of Council CIty of University Heights, Ohio p. d. april 13,20, 1987 DRD52617 dium Electrical Repairs at Shaker Heights High School will be received in the Office of the Treasurer, 15600 Parkland Drive, Shaker Heights, Ohio 44120, until 12:00 noon Local Time, on May 1, 1987, and read publicly and recorded immediately thereatter. The contract documents, including copies of the plans, specifications.

proposal forms, forms of contract and bond, are on file and may be examined at the Office of the Business Manager of the Shaker Heights City School District, 15600 Porklond Drive, Shaker Heights, Ohio 44120 and of the Office of 23811 Chagrin Boulevard, Cleveland, Ohio 44122 (1-216-464-3766). Copies of complete sets of the documents may be obtained from the Office of the Architect upon deposit of $25.00 for coch set. Attention of bidders is particularly called to the quirements as to: conditions of employment to be observed, minimum wage rates to be paid under the contract, bid bond or certified check, and mance and bonds as described in the contract documents, and to Equal Employment Opportunity reguiations. The Board of Education reserves the right to accept or relect any or all bids or parts of ony or all bids and to waive any Informalities in the bids received. Each bid must contain the nome of every person interested, therein.

The estimate for the protect Is $40,000.00. No bid may be withdrawn, after the scheduled closing time for the receipt of bids. tor at least sixty (60) days. By Order of the Board of Education of the Shaker Heignts City School District. WILLIAM A.

HAGER Business Manager p.d. 6, 13, 1997 DRD63139 Notice Is hereby given that the Geaupa County Employment and Training Office is soliciting Requests For Proposals (RFP) from organizations wishing to deliver training and services to the economically disadvantaged Geaupa County residents under the Job Training Partnership Act of 1982 (JTPA). Proposed programs may fall into one or more of the following categories: Institutional skill training, training programs operated by the private sector including those operated by iobor organizations or by private sector employers utilizing private sector focilities, equipment and personnel to train workers in occupations for which demand exceeds supply, services to the handicapped, and the development of On- Job- Training opportunities in the private sector. Proposals shall be for the time period of July 1, 1987 through June 30, 1988. Requests for Proposal are available between 8:00 A.M.

and 4:30 P.M. Monday through Friday at: Geauga Employment and Training Office, 211 Main Chardon, OH 44024. Contact Pot Phillips, Director, 265-2222, ext. 455. Completed forms must be returned to the above address by Monday, May 25, 1987.

The Private Industry Council and the Geauga County Board of Commisstoners will make the final decision on bid awards. Geauga County Employment and Training reserves the right to reject all bids, to Increase or decrease bid awards, to make awards to the best most feasible bidder and to waive bid deadlines. By order of the Board of Commissioners In and for Geouga County, Ohio. EDNA DAVIS, President TONY GALL JAMES MUELLER p.d. apr.

13,14, 1987 DRD53040 CITY OF UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS INVITATION TO BID Sealed bids will be recelved by the Clerk of Council of the City of University Heights, Ohio, 2300 Warrensville Center Rood, 44118 untll 12:00 noon, April 30, 1987 at which time all bids will be publicly read for the sole of: (1) 1979 Dodge ton pick-up truck 4x4 with 316 engine; (1) 1973 Dodge Van; (1) 1981 Ford LTD $-4 Door Sedan; (1) 1982 Ford LTD S-4 Door Sedan. These units will be sold "'as Each bidder shall use his own bid blanks. Each bid must contain the full name of each and every person, firm or corporation Interested in the bid submitted and accompanied by a certified check or order (no personal checks) in an amount equal to ten percent of such bid, payable to the City of University Heights, as a guarantee that If sald bid is accepted, performance thereof by the bid- NOTICE TO BID Sealed bids will be received by the Purchasing Director of the City of Warrensville Heights, Ohio until 12:00 Noon on April 27, 1937 and thereafter, will be publicly opened and read in the Council Chambers at Warrensville Heights City Hall for furnishing Public Official Liability Insurance. Detalled specifications and Instructions for bidding and proposal forms may be obtained from the office of the Purchasing Director in said City Hall. Bidder shotl use City Bid forms and bids shall be sealed and endorsed with the name of the bidder and piainly marked An Equal Opportunity Employer Bidders on this work will be required to comply with the City of Warrnesville Heights Ordinance No.

1970-184. The Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. ROBERT J. ELIAS Personnel Purchasing Director p.d. 13, 1987 DRD72576 The Plain Dealer Sunday magazine; interesting reading all week.

LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed bids will be accepted until 2:00 P.M., April 27, 1987, in the office of Lorain County Commissioners, 226 Middle Avenue, Elyria, Ohio for providing Testing Services to the Lorain County Human Services Department 1V-D Unit. Specifications can be obtained from Mrs. D. Neumyer at the office of Lorain County Human Services, 320 N. Gateway Elyria, Ohio 44035.

Bids must be accompanied by a bid guaranty contract bond or a certified check, cashier's check. or letter of credit equal to of the amount bid as a guarantee that If the bid Is accepted, a contract will be entered Into and a contract bond properly cured if a certified check, cashier's check or a letter of credit for of the amount bid Is used as a bid guaranty. All bidders shall conform to the Lorain County MBE utilization goals and submit the necessary forms and documentation with the Proposal Form. In accordance with Resolution 84-547, a goal of (MBE) minority business enterprise participation is expected on projects costing more than $20,000.00. If the bid is for more than this amount, the bidder is requested to submit with his proposal, a proposed sub-contractor, 0 Joint venture or a supplier.

Each bidder must Include in bid the following: A. name of the employee of the offeror or bidder who will administer the MBE subcontracting program and a descr lotion of the duties or such emplovers; and B. A proposed plan for Implementation of the MBE subcontracting goal or requirement of the prime contract including a description of the records which will be kept and made avallable to the Lorain CountY MBE Staff to show compliance with the subcontracting program aspect of the contract. No contract will be awarded until an acceptable plan Is reviewed by the Lorain County MBE Statt and incorporated In the contract. Acceptable plans must provide the maximum practicable 8 opportunity for approved MBE participation in the performance of the contract.

The MBE firm so named by the bidder must have received pre-certification as approved MBE business. Each bidder shall complete and return the "Notice of Requirements To Ensure Minority Business Enterprise Opportunity" form. All proposed MBE contractors shall be registered and appear on the approved Lorain County MBE List. To quality, contractors must be pre-registered ninety (90) days prior to the bid due dote. Each bid shall contain the full name or names of persons and company submitting the bid and shall be enclosed in a bid envelope supplied by the County and marked Testing Any Interpretation, correction, or modification the specifications desired by the bidder shall be made in writing and malled to C.

Malinovsky, Co-Administrator, Lorain County Commissioners, 226 Middle Ave nue, Elyria, Ohio 44035. The Board of County Commissioners reserves the right to reject ony and all bids and to walve any informalities or irregularities If It is deemed in the best interest of Lorain County to do so. By order of: Lorain County Commissioners MONA L. WALSH, Clerk p.d.apr. 6, 13, 1987 DRD53019 NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed bids for an asbestos abatement project at La kewood City Schools will be received in the Office of the Treasurer, 1470 Warren Road, Lakewood, Ohio, 44107 until 12:00 noon local time on Friday, May 15, 1987 at which time all bids shall be opened and read aloud.

No immediate decision shall be rendered. The contract documents, including copies of the plans, specitications, proposal forms, forms of contract and bond, are on file and may be examined at the Service Operations Office of the Lakewood City School District, 1470 Warren Rood, Lakewood, Ohio and of the office of Korl R. Rohrer Associates, Consulting Engineers, 3810 Ridgewood Drive, Akron, Ohio 44321 (1-216-666 1127). Copies of complete sets of the documents may be obtained from Karl R. Rohrer Associates, upon deposit of $50.00 per each set.

A pre-bid meeting will be held in the Board of Edu cation Administrative Offices of Lakewood City School District, 1470 Warren Rood, Lakewood, Ohio at 1:00 p.m. local time on April 20. 1987. Attention of bidders is porticularly called to the re quirements as to: Conditions of employment to be observed; minimum wage rates to be paid under the contract; bid bond or certified check; performance and bonds as described in the contract documents; local, State and Federal asbestos abatement regulations. The Board of Education reserves the right to accept or reject or to waive any informalities on any or all bids or ports thereof.

No bid may be withdrawn after the scheduled closing time for the receipt of bids, for at least sixty (60) days. By Order of the Board of Education of the Lakewood City School District. WILLIAM MURRAY Treasurer Lakewood Board of Education Lakewood, Ohio 44107 p.d.apr. 4, 1987 DR D53049 NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed bids for Drainage Improvements at Shaker Heights City Schools will be recelved in the Office of the Treasurer, 15600 Parkland Drive, Shaker Heights, Ohio 44120, until 12:00 noon Local Time, on May 1, 1987, and read publicly and recorded immediately thereafter. The contract documents, Including cople? of the plans, specifications, proposal forms, forms of contract and bond, ore on file and may be examined at the Office of the Business Manager of the Shaker Heights City School District, 15600 Parkland Drive, Shaker Heights, Ohio 44120 and at the Office of 23811 Chagrin Boule vard, Cleveland, Ohio 44122 (1-216-464-3766).

Copies of complete sets of the documents may be aotained from the Office of the Architect upon deposit of $25.00 for each set. Attention of bidders is particularly called to the re quirements as to: conditions of employment to be observed, minimum wage rates to be paid under the contract, bid bond or certitied check, and performance and bonds as described in the contract documents, and to Equal Employment Opportunity regulations. The Board of Education reserves the right to accept or relect any or all bids or parts of any or all bids and to waive any Informalities in the bids received. Eoch bid must contain the nome of every person interested, therein. The estimate for the project is $40,000.00.

No bid may be withdrawn, after the scheduled closing time for the receipt of bids, for at least sixty (60) days. By Order of the Board of Education of the Shaker Heights City School District. WILLIAM A. HAGER Business Manager 1987 DRD63140 -PUBLIC NOTICEThe City of Cleveland Department of Human Re sources JTPA program is committed to equal opportunities for all applicants, participants and employin alt facets of Its operations; and where deftciencies are noted to take affirmative action to correct such deficiencies. In addition, it is our policy to recruit, hire and promote In all job classifications without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, sex (except where sex is a bono fide occupational qualification), age, political attiliation or beliefs, handicap, (provided physical limitation does not prevent lob performance), or citizenship.

It Is our policy to take affirmative action to ensure that all training programs and all personnel actions such as 0 rate of compensation, benefits, transters, promotions, layoffs and terminations are administered without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, political attillation or bellets, cittzenship, or handicap. Jeffrey D. Comfort, Director, will have the overall responsibility of adminitering the program. If pro gram participant or applicant feels has been discriminated against in employment, seeking employment training with this agency, should immediately contact Mark Biniecki, 664-2324 to pursue the proper discrimination complaint procedure. p.d.apr.

13, 1937 DR D52622 NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed bids will be received by the Director of Administrative Services of Hill House at Its office at 11101 Magnolia Drive, Cleveland, Ohio, until 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, April 23, 1987, and at that time opened as provided by law, for the purchase of furniture and equipment to be Installed In the HI House Supportive Apartment Living, 2026 Cornell Rood, Cleveland, Ohio in accordance with the equipment lIst and specifications dated March 12, 1987 now on file at the office of HIll House, attention Howard Prigosin, Director of Administrative Services, 11101 Magnolla Drive, Cleveland, Ohio. Copies of said specifications may be obtained from the office of Hill House. Documents may be obtained by mail. The Owner reserves the right to relect ony or all bids In whole or port, to walve any informalities in the bids received, or accept any bid which it deems favorable.

All bids must be made on Form of Proposal Included with specifications. Acceptance of any contracts resulting from this invitation to Bid signifies full compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as amended March, 1972, Presidential Executive Order 11246 and Governor's Executive Order of January 27, 1972. By order of the Board of Hill House Supportive Apartment Living. p.d. 13, 1987 DRD72443 NOTICE OF APPLICATION Notification is hereby given that Society National Bonk, 800 Superior Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44114 has filed an application with the Comptroller of the Currency on April 10, 1987 as specitied In 12 CFR in the Comptroller's Manual for National Banks, for permission to locate a branch office at the Baxter Bullding, 140 Jackson Street, Sandusky, Ohio 44870.

Any person wishing to comment on this application may file comments in writing with the Deputy Comptroller of National Banks, Comptroller of the CurrenCY. Central District, Analysis Division, One Financial Place, Suite 2700, 440 South LaSalle Street, Chicago, Illinois 60605 within thirty (30) days of the date of this publication. The non-confidential portions of the application are on file with the Deputy Comptroller as part of the public file. The file Is avallable for public inspection during regular business hours. p.d.

april, 10,13, 1987 DRD73511 -PUBLIC NOTICEThe City of as Grant Recipient and Administrative Entity for Service Delivery Area 420, has drafted a modification to its Job Training Plan (JTP) for 1987. The JTP may be reviewed of the offloes of the City's Departments of Health and Human Resources, 1925 St. Clair Avenue (2nd floor receptionist area), Cleveland, Ohio 44114, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. weekdays, beginning April 15 May 1957.

Written comments should be addressed to the Department of Human Resources. p.d.apr. 13, 1987 DRD52621 Pursuant to the provisions of Section 6104(0) of the Internal Revenue Code, notice is hereby given that the Annual Report for 1986 of The East High Alumni Association of Cleveland, a private foundation, is available for Inspection during regular business hours by any citizen on request made within 180 days from the date of this publication at 1380 East 170th Cleveland, Ohio. DWIGHT BAUMGARDNER, Treasurer p.d.apr. 13, 1967 DRD52323 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS STATE OF OHIO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Columbus, Ohio March 27, 1987 Contract Sales Legal Copy No.

87-245 UNIT PRICE CONTRACT IR-90-1 (140)28 Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Director of the Ohio Department of Transportation, Columbus, Ohio, until 10:00 A.M., Ohio Standard Time, Tuesday, April 28, 1987, for improvements in: Cuyahoga County, Ohio, on section Intestate Route 90 in the City of Cleveland, by rehabilltating, modifying and cleaning existing structure drainage systems, and by performing associated joint and surface sealing work. Proiect length 0.00 In. feet or 0.000 mile. Work length 5,080.00 lin. feet or 0.962 mile.

The Ohio Department of Transportation hereby notities all bidders that it will affirmatively insure that in any contract entered Into pursuant to this advertisem*nt, minority business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, or national origin in consideration for an award. "Minimum wage rates for this project have been: predetermined as required by law and are set forth in the bid proposal." "The date set tor completion of this work shall be set forth in the bidding proposal." Each bidder shall be required to file with his bid certified check or cashier's check for an amount equal 10 five per cent of his bid, but in no event more than fifty thousand dollars, or a bond for ten per cent of his bid, payable to the Director. must apply, on the proper forms, for qualification at least ten days prior to the date set for opening bids in accordance with Chapter 5525 Ohio Revised Code. Pions and specifications are on file in Depart-, ment of Transportation and the office of the District Deputy Director. The Director reserves the right to reject any and all bids.

WARREN J. SMITH Director p.d.oprit6, 13, 1987 DRD72453 8:00 LEGAL NOTICE Sealed bids will be received by the Clerk of the Villoge of Valley View, State of Ohio at her office the Valley View Village Hall, 6848 Hathaway Road, until twelve o'clock Noon, prevalling time on Tuesday, April 20, 1987, for furnishing the necessary labor and mater lais for: THE PAVEMENT IMPROVEMENT OF SCHREIBER ROAD The work shall be done in accordance with the Plans and Specifications on file at the office of the Village Engineer, Donald G. Bohning, at 7979 Hub Parkway, Volley View, Ohio. Bidders shall deposit the sum thirty dollars ($30.00) for the Plans and Specificotions. This sum is not refundable.

Bidders are required to use the printed forms as furnished on application. Each Bid must separately state the amount bid for both labor and material and shall contain the tull name or names of the party or parties making the same. Each Bid must be accompanied by a Bid Bond in the full amount of the Bid or a Certified Check, Cashier's Check, or Letter of Credit in amount equal to ten percent of the Bid, as designoted in Section 153.54 of the Ohio Revised Code. The Bid Guarantee shall be furnished as surety that if the Bid Proposal is accepted, a contract will be entered into and the performance of said construction will be secured within the specified time. Bid Guorantees will be retained until a contract is properly executed by the successful bidder.

Bids together with the Bid Guarantee must be sealed in on envelope and endorsed: VILLAGE OF VALLEY VIEW PAVEMENT IMPROVEMENT SCHREIBER ROAD The Village of Valley View reserves the right to lect any and all bids, and disregard all nonconforming, Incomplete or conditional bids or counter pro posals. By order of the Council of the Village of Valley View. PATRICIA BALE p.d./apr. 13,20,1987 DRD73514 NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed bids for Auditorium Lighting Improvements of Shaker Heights High School will be received in the Office of the Treasurer, 15600 Parkland Drive, Shaker Heights, Ohio 44120, until 12:00 noon Local Time on May 1, 1987, and read publicly and recorded mediately thereafter. The contract documents, Including copies of the pions, specifications, proposal forms, forms of contract and bond, are on file and may be examined the Office of the Business Manager of the Shaker Heights City School District, 15600 Parkland Drive, Shaker Heights, Ohio 44120 and at the Office of 23811 Chagrin Boulevard, Cleveland, Ohio 44122 (1-216-464-3766).

Copies of complete sets of the documents may obtained from the Office of the Architect upon posit of $25.00 for each set. Attention of bidders is particularty called to the quirements as to: conditions of employment to observed, minimum wage rates to be pold under the contract, bid bond or certitied check, and performance and bonds as described in contract documents, and to Equal Employment Opportunity regulations. The Board of Education reserves the right to accept or relect any or all bids or parts of any or all bids and to waive any Informalities in the bids received. Each bid must contain the name of every person terested, therein. The estimate for the prolect is $50,000.00.

No bid may be withdrawn after the scheduled closing time for the receipt of bids. for at least sixty (60) days. By Order of the Board of Education. of the Shaker Heights City School District. WILLIAM A.

HAGER Business Manager p. d. mar. 13, 1907 DRD63138 Sealed bids will be recetved by the Service Director, marked attention of the Purchasing Agent of the City of Parma, at his office in the Porma City Holt, 6611 Ridge Rood, Parma, Ohlo, Cuvahoga County, until 11:00 A.M. Local Time on the 27th day of April, 1987, for: SIXTY (60) RANGES: SIXTY (60) REFRIGERATORS: SIXTY (60) RANGE PIGTAILS in accordance with specifications on file with Service Director.

Proposals for bids must be submitted on a form avallable in the office of the Service Director, City Hall, 6611 Ridge Rood, Porma, Ohio, and coch proposal must state the full name and dress of each person, firm or corporation Interested In the bid submitted. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check on a solvent bank in an amount of of the bid, a bid bond, the same being payable to the of Parma as a guaranty that if the bid is accepted, contract will be entered into and a surety bond satisfactory to said municipality in an amount equal of the total bid will be furnished. The deposit of the successful bidder will be retained until contract is properly executed and delivered. Deposits of all unsuccessful bidders will be returned immediately following award. Bids must be sealed in an velope and endorsed "BID FOR SIXTY (60) RANGES: SIXTY (60) REFRIGERATORS: SIXTY (60) RANGE PIGTAILS needed by the City The City reserves the right to accept all or any of any bid and to reject any ond all bids.

HOWARD TRUMBLE Service Director p.d. apr. 13,20, 1987 DRD52632 NOTICE TO BIDDERS In accordance with Resolution No. 1987-61, adopted March 17, 1907, by the Board of Trustees of Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority, petitive bids are being sought tor: RAILROAD BER TIES, per Specifications as listed in the Package. Instructions to bidders and coples of the Bid Package may be obtained from the Greater Cleveland pional Transit Authority, Department of Procurement, 615 Superior N.W., 10th Floor, Cleveland, Ohlo 44113, or by phone (216) 566-5278 or 566-5269.

Sealed proposals for the above bids shall be recetved at the Department of Procurement, Greater Cleve land Regional Transit Authority, 615 Superior N.W., 10th Floor, Cleveland, Ohlo 44113, until NOON, OFFICIAL TIME MONDAY, MAY 11, 1987. "As on Equal Action plover, the Greater Cleveland Regional Transit thority prohibits discrimination on the basis of color, sex, age, religion, marital status or national origin. Disadvantaged business enterprises, women business enterprises and small business enterprises shall be attorded full opportunity to submit bids proposals for this prolect." BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES THE GREATER CLEVELAND REGIONAL TRANSIT AUTHORITY. ROBERT J. LANDGRAF Secretary-Treasurer p.d.

apr. 13,20, 1987 DRD52613 NOTICE OF APPLICATION Notification is hereby given that Society National Bank, 000 Superior Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44114 has filed an application with the Comptroller of the Currency on April 13, 1907 as specitied in 12 CF 5 in the Comptroller's Manual for National Banks, for permission to relocate the Severance Office from 3500 Mayfield Road, Storefront B-1, Cleveland Heights, Ohio 44118 to 3500 Mayfield Road, Storefront B-13A, Cleveland Heights, Ohio 44118. Any person wishing to comment on this application may file comments in writing with the Deputy Comptroller of National Banks, Comptroller of the CurrenCY. Central District, Analysis Division, One Financial Place, Sutte 2700, 440 South LaSalle Street, Chicago, Illinois 60405 within thirty (30) days of the date of this publication. The non-confidential portions of the application are on file with the Deputy Comptoller as port of the public file.

The file is available for public inspection during regular business p.d.apr. 13, 1907 DRD52619 NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed bids will be received by the Comptroller of the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District, 3826 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44115 until 2:00 p.m. official local time of the date Indicated below. At that time all bids will be opened and read aloud In the Public Meeting Room of the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District, 3826 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44115. All bids must be submitted on the forms available at the office of the Comptroller, from whom detall specifications may be obtained.

Bid File No. B-1055 Resolution No. 148-07 Opening Date Wednesday, April 22, 1987 Purchase cabling and related hardware for the Installation of the District's Management Information System at Easterly, Southerly and Westerly WWTP's and the Administrative Office as per specifications. EDWARD P. GUTTMAN, Purchasing Manager 13, 1987 ORD73452 When baby outgrows his furniture, sell it for cash with a low-cost ad in Classified.

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The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)
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Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

Phone: +9663362133320

Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.