Spinach&Arugula Ricotta Stuffed Manicotti Comfort Meal ~ Magic Meals w/ Ashley Nicole Phillips - Dining and Cooking (2024)

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welcome to Magic Ms with me ashy Nicole Phillips look at our grocery list we have a rugal and spinach that we wanted to use before it expired Hunts tomato sauce garlic ricotta cheese Mozzarella cheese manot and veggie veggie bullion we’re going to add about half a cube of veggie bullon and some water crushed red pepper Southwestern Italian spices as well as salt and pepper to create our broth that we’re going to cook our arugula and spinach down into so we added a handful of the arugula handful of the spinach and keep on adding and cooking down until we had um you used all of our arugul and spinach that was in the refrigerator um better than composting baby better than composting all right about to expire let’s cook something with it not waste it now we’re going to add our broth into our blender with our broccoli and arugula saute blanched broccoli arugula mixture and we’re going to mix it all together This brilliant beautiful green color which I it’s really a pretty color but you know with pasta though how do how do I feel with pasta the green with the pasta we felt great about it I’ve never had green pasta sauce before I have now we have now come back put in the comments how your pasta sauce turned out tag me ashley. 44. Luna and a picture of your rendition of our spinach and arugula brata stuffed manotti pasta blend blend blend blend blend blend now I cooked this the day before kind of like a me prep again the spinach and arugala was about to expire and I wanted to use it all I didn’t want to go want it to go to a waist the big old tubs of arugula and spinach so that’s where I came up with the the idea to intuitively cook this pasta sauce look how pretty it is and we’re going to go ahead and put it in our Tupperware um and put it in the refrigerator um for tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow I love you tomorrow you’re only a day away away man C rotta cheese are pasta your only day away today hey all hey y’all my name is Ashley Nicole Phillips and you are watching magic meals with me Ashley Nicole Phillips I am the biblically prophesied Messiah full circle moment alert alert so are you why Ashley what have in me you have in you what you have in you I have in me we are in the age of unconditional love where we are all having where we are where we are all having intimate encounters with the Divine or different dimensions of ourselves to help us align with our soul wisdom Soul understandings that we’ve never been separate from God or any other dimension of creation Now with the magic Mills I I intuitively cook I’ve been intuitively cooking all of my life right it’s something that I really enjoy doing whatever whatever is in the pantry right I you know whip up something cook up something about it something about I’m going to you know now what I think I’m going to cook is not always what I end up making but either way it goes I have a great time it’s fun go ahead like this video subscribe to the channel share the content to proliferate the magic meals with asht Nicole Phillips content I’m really excited about this episode because we are doing a really cool pasta cook up now I’mma Google this recipe like I’m going Google these ingredients after I make this after this video to see if it’s already a thing right the other day and I posted it and that shorts the magic meal shorts the other day I had an avocado I had some arugula I had an abundance of greens and stuff in the refrigerator and it was about to expire I was like I don’t want to go to waste I was like what do I do with it right had avocado has some pasta I boil that pasta yall going look in the shorts basically I made a sauce a pasta um avocado and AR arugula pasta right um out of what I had in the refrigerator in the pantry I still had an abundance of a rugal and spinach I was like I need to make something else right so I went to the store I was like okay I’m going to run this I’m I’m going to run the pasta the the pasta deal back but I wanted to do it differently for the longest time y’all I’ve been wanting I’ve never had my pasta I’ve never had a stuffed man Cy or a stuffed roton but I’ve been wanted it like all my life I’m so dramatic I pull up all my life card all the time but I’m being for real like for a longest I’ve been watching food n all my life right and I would see Manti or ratoni stuffed pasta or the stuff pasta shells and I be want to eat it I don’t know I never I just it just never it was never the time it was never in alignment it was never in alignment it is now cuz what pasta is our love language I just saw that baby I agree that’s one of my love languages pasta food anyway we’re about to make a delicious y’all saw the ingredients y’all saw the ingredients so if you’re making a a dinner for your family you know y’all are just tired of eating the same thing cuz you know you got that same rotation of them same meals baby switch it up switch it up the kids the family your husband your wife they’re going to enjoy it switch it up switch the food up and and make cooking fun so it’s not so much of a chore but it’s an experience for you to get to spend time with yourself and just like have a good creative time about it so we’re about to make the stuffed manot pasta y’all saw the ingredients let’s get to it these pastas are so big I did not expecting these look like canoli baby and I’m all for it ah these look like canoli shells they’re so big like the size of them and the look of them these are huge whoa look how big these are I thought they were going to be like half the size that’s fire this about to this about to this about to eat what do the kids saying these days this is about to eat whoa look how big these pastas are okay now I’m a little intimidated about cooking these let’s read the instructions instructions Okay Okay cooking instructions want boil to add flavor and we just see as salt as salt to reduce the stickiness water okay so two to three at a time okay I’m glad I read that I would have dumped all of these in the pot and it would have just been a problem it would have been a mess I feel so two to three at a time okay we got to cook two to three at a time let’s get the water on the on the Bo On The Boiler okay y’all so we’re now about to make okay y’all I’m just kidding we’re about to cut up some garlic we’re going to make our stuffing for we have our manicot station back here we’re going to wait for waiting for our water to boil two or three at a time y’all we going to cook our manicotti while our water is getting coming to a boil we are going to do our manicot stuffing or stuffing we’re going to do ricotta cheese like I’ve been saying for the longest I’ve been wanted the stuffed pasta situation the stuffed shell or the manicotti or the rotoni I haven’t had it you know I I would just only see on Food Network you know I would only see on Food Network growing up you know and now since we have the socials on Instagram reals YouTube Shorts YouTube shorts reals and things like that I’ll see the delicious pasta so this is really I’m freestyling again when I get done cooking this I’mma Google it and see you know what what what this is called out there in the out there in the uh out there in the world where we’re doing a ricotta cheese right we’re going to do our ricotta cheese we’re doing our we’re going to um roast some a couple of cloves of garlic about two cloves of garlic we’re going to roast two cloves of garlic um and with the garlic we’re going to have the finnel seed we’re going to roast some garlic and finnel Seed now I tell you finnel seed is one of my favorite herbs the smell of it is just I love it it’s like one of my favorite smells like if there was a finnel seed candle I would buy it and I’m pretty sure there is I’m going to go Google it I’m going to go buy it the finel SE candle um so that’s cool uh so let’s do three cloves of garlic and we’re going to go ahead and do that with our finnel seed I just have some foil here and I’m chopping up the garlic well um yeah taking the garlic out of the wrap garlic wrapper the garlic the garlic [Music] skins and again it’s it’s intuitive cooking so however you want to do it if you want to um if you want to um do more garlic or less garlic or no garlic baby that’s your decision um if you want to do something else maybe like shallots that’s how you’re feeling whatever you you you know you want to taste whatever you trying to taste um garlic smells so delicious right not on the breath but you know not on the breath but you know cooking with garlic is smells so good so we have a little garlic clove right there cut off the end we’re going to do three of these all right let’s so we have our three cloves of garlic on our foil let me wash my hands while the finel and pop this over into The Roaster the roaster all right we’re just going to aot the garlic garlic oil to I’m not going to add any oil or anything just going to dry dry roasted dry roast it um yeah now I I have a rooster over there um um a convection over convection oven air fryer rooster situation you can just throw yours in the oven for like 350 for like 10 15 minutes however that works for you I’m going to go put in the air roast for about 8 minutes 8 minutes all right time to take out our first batch of man CTI and as you saw baby I’m not like two or three at a time I just right I’m just not going to cook two or three at a time we got a whole we got a we got a whole couple pallets we got a whole P couple palet to cook we we did a did a sauce pan made sure the water was water was covering the noodles and we did about three uh three day five doing like five six at a time so taking out our first batch of manot let me get let me get a couple let me get a couple of tips I can drain the water drain the water out of the middle out of the hole um and it’s still pretty firm I mean it’s it like it just I’mma show you but it’s a good it’s it’s it’s still firm but it’s a good amount of uh softening it’s just it’s just right I feel it’s just right I feel cuz we’re um we’re still going to bake our dish so we don’t want the we don’t want the pasta to be overcooked and then on top of that we get to we get to feel fill the pasta with the ricotta so if the pasta is too soft it’s going to break apart in things so just just like halfway cooked just you know just a little get get the get the pasta a little um a little until it’s uh uh I’m about to show yall not quite out Dente like halfway to Al Dente is what we’re looking this what we’re looking for halfway to Al Dente this one is 3/4 of a way to alente this one’s cook cooked good all right so our first B Al um menology Let me let me let’s put some more on here let’s put some more uh get some more in here my hands are washed I think that’s a good practice even if you’re just cooking for yourself wash your hands right wash your hands all right so we got six in here this time six M let me put uh where I put this I’ll put this over here put these over here all right y’all we got our set up do y’all just hear the beep did you hear the beep that’s our garlic and finel let me grab it like I was telling yall I love the smell of garlic and I love the smell of finnel this is amazing this Aroma this Aroma is is amazing put this back let me put this back all right y’all so what we’re going to do y’all so we have our Ninja blender out here it’s not an odd it’s just an appreciation it’s like thank you ninja cuz like I really I really enjoy like the Ninja blender really um the you got Pro you can do the food processor you can do this one the bullet thing and then you got the full blender I love it like it’s very versatile and it’s just it’s it’s Nifty and efficient right all right so we have our garlic and our um finnel now if you want to you can cook it a little longer I ended up doing actually what did I start with 8 minutes and I added like six and then I added four so let’s do the quick mat eight 12 about about 16 minutes we did about 16 minutes 350 roster about 16 minutes uh rooster I don’t remember what it said I said eight some some we did about 16 minutes 350 in the rooster and we have our garlic in our finnel and we’re going to put it in our blender situation I don’t want to waste any of the finel we going to get it all in here all right this is really funny all right let’s go ahead and get this in there like that I don’t I don’t smoke weed but this is giv that like the way to play it was just giving that sensation I watch Friday that’s how I know I watch the movie Friday the fin all I’m just kidding y’all I’m just kidding I’m just kidding okay let’s go ahead and um let’s go ahead and get our thing and then we’re just going to we’re going to pulse it a couple good times and then we’re going to get our ricotta make sure our noodles are good that’s cool that’s cool that’s cool a couple more minutes on those manot we’re going to do a couple pulses of our garlic our finel is literally stuck at the top but I like it’s okay if I did a food proster processor like I and I have the food processor attachment but I just love this so much I just love this so much just do a couple pules you know what the food processor probably work a lot better cuz this is not this is just I don’t feel like this going to work I mean I could add a ricotta in here but I don’t I don’t do that [Music] all right I don’t want to blend the ricotta with I think that’s actually efficient see how like the the garlic was just like it was just chopped Chopped all the way up let me do a couple more pulses and then we’re going to um check it on a manot manot [Music] [Music] don’t be afraid of it baby don’t be afraid okay I think this is cool this is good anyways however you do it whatever utensil you use even if you chop up your garlic and your finnel or whatever you put in your ricot for a stuffed manoi dish just just get it done right it’s intuitive it’s fun all right let me put this up this big old base let me get this out let me move this out of the way all right let’s go over [Music] here one more minute for that we got to kind of move quicker because I mean I could get another I could always get another plate and I think I’m might do that I think I’m going to do that I’m going to get another plate another plate and then we’ll move these menot that are menot that’s ready to be stuffed manot that’s ready to ready to be stuffed over to this station now we have our ricot cheese I have part skim you can do whole baby my intuition said do part skim if your intuition said do whole do whole my intuition said do part skim so I did part skin rot cheese smell it uh right now it just smells like Dairy it just smells like Dairy you know you know you know how yogurt smells like just that like Dairy it just smells like Dairy let’s maybe when I stir it it start smelling like rich like cheese all right let’s check on these yeah these are ready these are about ready these are let’s take out these manes take out these manes mon now what it’s it’s Memorial Monday y’all it literally is memorial Monday I was going to cook yesterday but my mother is like I’m going to um I’m going to pick up food so you don’t have to cook and I was like okay okay I was like okay cool now I was cuz I was wanting to do a Sunday dinner I was waned to do a Sunday dinner you know Italian Italian style but I got to slow down my uh my my mouth move slower than my brain like whoa okay so I was um going to cook this yesterday Sunday dinner right it’s Memorial Monday so we’re having like a Sunday dinner Memorial Monday you know how people nor we normally you know how you know American culture us culture we normally do like a barbecue on Memorial Day but I love this I love Italian food Memorial day cuz I was literally saying to myself I was like dang for the holidays I want to do different Cuisines I don’t want to just do regular like just what’s expected or traditional like I want to try different Cuisines here we are here we are all right so we got three Mano like to cook um let’s go ahead I’m nervous about stuffing these y’all I’m nervous about stuffing our man why Ashley I didn’t expect them to be this goddamn gosh darn big I didn’t know they were going to be so big um I didn’t know they going to be so big let me get a spoon to for grab a spoon for our ricotta stuffed ricotta let’s get let’s get this out first let’s get our garlic and um finel again this garlic and finnel is going inside of our racata mixture that we’re going to put inside of our manicot our Stu manote so we’re getting our garlic and finnel now uh I’m going to I’m going to make a homemade Piping Bag using this sandwich bag right but this sandwich bag is kind of small compared [Music] to compared to the the pasta hold on I’m having a thought y’all I’m having an intuitive nudge I have gloves like this I have these kitchen gloves I’m thinking about using this as a Piping Bag cuz it’ll see the fingers it’ll it’ll get inside of the inside of the pasta we going to try that we’re going to try that we’re we’re going to do that actually that’s a good idea cuz this is not going to get off in the PO this is not going to be able to pipe the into the pasta It’s too it’s too um short it’s not long enough the bag is not long enough that’s a good idea we’re going to do that okay now now I feel less nervous I was like dang how how am I going to pop pipe this pasta hell hell I feel less nervous all right y’all this smells so good let’s get it out of here go ahead and do that work good old work this out this bottle like that you know what I think I’m going to make friends with the food processor I think make friends I just be neglecting me and that food process I’ve never used it so I just didn’t feel like you like making a new friend I think I’m going make friends with the food processor y’all cuz this is why I always be having to get down deep in this thing to get the stuff out all right no new friends no we need new friends we need new friends right right we do we do all right y’all there’s some f i don’t like to be living leaving things behind but this there’s going to be a lot of Fel left behind but that’s okay it’s all right that’s all right it’s okay all right y’all so we have our garlic and our finnel as you can see in there roasted garlic and fenel let me get another spoon I don’t want to cross contaminate I don’t want to put the thing in the thing the thing and the thing I don’t put the garlic into the ricotta let’s smell it now that we cracked it open maybe ricotta is the thing where you have to taste it cuz you know ricotta has a really rich smell but maybe it’s a part of cuz you know what it tastes like cuz when you just smell it like it just smells like plain y and I think it’s part skin I forgot it’s part skin so that’s probably why okay okay okay it’s part skin um I think that’s why it doesn’t have that rich smell that ricot normally has and I was like maybe it’s cuz you have to eat it and like the taste reminds you of the smell helps you with the smell um I think I’m going to use all this for C I’m probably going to use all of it I’m not even going to be stingy with it cuz we got a lot of manot over there got three four five a lot three four five a lot right um yeah we’ll just mix we’ll just put all of our ricotta so I have over here let me just tell youall what how much rot I have I have 15 o 420 G of rot we’re going to use all of it I wish I would put it in a bigger bowl but this bowl is fine it’s good it’s great all right make sure my camera’s going make sure the camera’s going all right cool beans all right and now we are going to mix our Ricotta and our garlic and our fenel and all together and then we’re going to add what am I going to add uh what else am I going to add to our ricot mixture myself again intuitive guidance whatever you got in the pantry whatever you feel like adding to your ricot mixture that we’re going to stuff the manaco with add that whatever your inition telling you to add I’m going to add some Italian seasoning and then some bright green pretty parsley for um for for aesthetic for Aesthetics cuz it’s really pretty it’s really pretty all right cool this is this is mixing really well I like that I thought I was going to be struggling to mix it let me check on this manote couple more minutes on the three manicot in the pan all right y’all see the mixture isn’t that so pretty you can’t really see the garlic in there and the finel but let’s it’s pretty take take my word for it take take my word it’s pretty all right so then we’re going to add I have some Italian seasoning um Southern Southern style spices Italian seasoning going to add some of that in here uh for the flavoring it it was really intuitive like it’s really intuitive it’s like it’s Italian like this is an Italian Dish these are Italian spices like it’s kind of like yeah let’s do that let’s do that all right so mixing that together and this is it makes it makes it look really pretty too like it’s yeah it looks really nice you’re going to have that um the Speckles of this this the the um spices and the herbs inside of the ricotta cheese it’s really nice it’s really it’s really giving like it’s really giving canoli looks like canoli feeling but it’s not right it’s not which I love there’s a big old chunk of garlic right here I’m going to take that out cuz like if I was on a cooking show baby and one of the judges got this big ass chunk of garlic in there manot they would be like like and then I be and then I would be I would be I would be I would get I would have gotten chopped I would have been on the chopping block I got to take this big ass piece of garlic I got to take this big ass piece of garlic rotta I I want to go home that’s really funny wow that’s funny that’s wild this big ass piece of garlic but what is this I this had a big ass chunk of garlic my pasta you saw right I I meant to take that out what do you say what do you say after that like you saw that big ass piece of garlic don’t act like you did you you literally had to let me stop like let me just take out that big piece of garlic I’m not trying to go home that’s funny all right so look at our mixture it’s so pretty all right and let me let me let’s check on this manot once more me and my family growing up like we love cooking together we love watching Cookie shows and stuff me I have five sisters so I would watch F network with my Five Sisters this is how it went yo right this is how it went y’all back in the day I I was born I was born in ‘ 94 you know and I have five sisters we’re all kind of close and age but then we’re not you know I’m the second eldest and how it would work when we would watch TV is like whoever got the whoever turn turn the TV on got to decide what we watched baby right when I turned on the TV I don’t know how my sister just felt about it but like the L room were kind of clear out so that probably says a lot that probably says a lot I watch the Food Network Discovery Channel History Channel right sometimes like a lot MTV bet too but we would always watch Food Network together and we we always said that we were going to do um our own family chopped rendition of chopped we haven’t done that but we’ve done other things so that’s why I bring up the references to the shows all right let me get one more glove cuz we’re going to use it as our Piping Bag so before we start stuffing our manaco with our ricot I want to go ahead and set the base for the dish um the sauce so we have what y’all saw we made the the sauce puree yesterday like half of it we had the arugula and the spinach and then we made we we we we put it with our um vegetable broth right so we have our arugula spinach with the vegetable broth now we’re going to add give me one second y all right y’all we’re going to add tomato sauce we’re adding tomato sauce to our spinach and arugula um pot uh sauce now when I was eating this like I tasted it yesterday you know I used you know the blender thing and there was some left in there so I had to eat it you know I didn’t want to leave anything behind I was eating it I was like this puree this will go good as a soup this good go good as a baby food it t it just tastes so good it’s so versatile it’s all versatile but what we’re going to do is we’re going to add the tomato sauce inside of here and then that’s going to be our pasta sauce I have a um 8 oz can of tomato sauce basil garlic and oregano you can use whatever tomato sauce you would like uh I’ve used this a couple times for a couple of things and it’s really tasty so I would recommend it it’s hunts Hunts tomato sauce is really good so we’re going to go ahead and add that in here this got pretty messy we’re going to clean it we’re going to clean it that to the side all right got another thing all righty so we have our tomato sauce here and again our base our um sauce base we’re going to add Our tomato sauce into the sauce base and this was in the refrigerator from yesterday cuz I made this yesterday because the arugal and the spinach were going to expire today so I had to make the make the base yesterday okay y’all so we poured Our tomato sauce and our arugula and spinach uh pasta sauce base again this was in the refrigerator since yesterday I I didn’t put I didn’t I’m not going to cook it or anything I just took it out of the refrigerator and I put our tomato sauce from the can straight into our tomato sauce and we’re just going to go ahead and mix it all together and let’s see what color it turns cuz you see we have the Beautiful red and the green let’s see what color probably like an orangish or brown or a brown let’s see what color this turns cuz we don’t have enough red sauce for for it to uh turn orange but it looks like it’s just going to be a dark green which is really beautiful I like that it’s really pretty it’s really really pretty actually it’s pretty much the same color it’s pretty much the same color but it’s going to have that zinc from the tomato sauce like the spinach and arugula is really great by itself I was in ly guided to to add the make sure I got some tomato sauce as well cuz it’s going to add another level of flavor and a depth a Zing you know a zestiness from the Tomato the acidity of the Tomato so we’re mixing it all together oh okay okay remind note to self Ashley do not stuff all of the ricotta into the manoi we need to let me go ahead and put some to the side right now cuz we’re going to we’re going to put a couple of dollops on top of the dish with our mozzarella cheese to bake it so do not put all of the ricotta inside of this manot baby let me actually put something to the side right now cuz I don’t want to forget thank you intuition thank youself for that intuitive reminder let me do that now we’re going to do about $5 wor a few dollops so let’s just act like we’re dolloping one two three four five yeah we’ll do about $5 on top I’m going ahead and put this in the refrigerator so I’m so glad like cuz I would have oh how let me just be happy that I was intuitively reminded cuz like literally that’s like that’s that’s that’s like the cake topper like you have to put I you know the rotta on top and let it kind of broil and get a little like period right so what we’re going to do period it’s not a great transition period what we’re going to do is going to go ahead and we have this beautiful baking dish use whatever baking dish you would like and we’re going to actually put pour about half or a third a third of our um sauce into the bottom of the baking dish and then kind of coat the bottom of the baking dish with a sauce because we’re going to place our pasta on the bed of sauce okay it’s got a little messy on the edge it’s okay and that’s okay I’m put this to the side over here uh put this side over here that’s to the side and then as you can see we have the sauce in the bottom and that’s okay we can go ahead and just yeah that’s actually works perfectly fine let’s actually just go ahead and have a little fun just uh coat the bottom of the pan with the pasta sauce do y’all remember uh when Hines ketchup during the season like during Christmas it used to come in green for like the Grinch the Grinch would do like did a the Grinch was the Ambassador brand ambassador for Hind ketchup the Grinch was brand ambassador for highs ketchup and the ketchup would come like green my mom would buy it during Christmas and I I swear I promise you I would get sick I would I couldn’t eat it I would feel queasy eating the green ketchup I promise you and I love ketchup but like dipping my chicken and stuff and my fried chicken and green ketchup it made me feel queasy what I’m saying is I hope this is appetizing I hope this look it’s not ketchup though right that that’s a that was a throwback that was a flashback memory it’s actually really pretty it’s giv it’s giving Michelin star it’s giving Michelin star colors baby this is giving Michelin star Michelin Michelin star this is a Michelin star dish what are we saying and I haven’t posted it yet but I made a pizza baby I made a mushroom comy pizza that I’m going to I made a mushroom bun a bun I made a bun Pizza I made a bun mushroom Ki pizza that’s going to be that’s that is in I’m just going I’m going to do it today that is in the magic Mill shorts the 60 seconds Renditions magic meal 60 seconds I made a pizza bun mushroom Ki style Michelin star like where’s my Michelin star like how do I get Michelin star to pull up at my house like how do I get the Michelin star people to pull up at my house that’s really funny how do I get them to come through like you know so we’re cut the bottom with a green pasta the sauce right we’ll just put that over here put that over here up here and then we’re going to start stuffing we’re going to start stuffing our um our um manot let’s figure out how I’m going to do this I’m going use I’m I going to use a middle finger possibly um let’s see let’s see yeah we’ll just use the middle finger okay what’s H that didn’t work you know what I am going to use the the bag I’m going to use the bag because I’m going to use the bag I’m nervous okay that that’s a thing that’s a thing that’s a thing okay that’s it you see the box I’m not going to like I’m just going to cook my style right I’m going to cook my way right you see the Box you see how the manicot the stuff is busting out the edges like that ours is not going to look like that it’s going to be more like a ravioli it’s going to be more like a and that’s okay right that’s okay that’s okay that’s perfectly fine cuz I’m like I I know I don’t have enough rotta cuz I didn’t realize these were so big I was like I know I’m not have enough rata to just like fill these up like that cuz I didn’t know they were so big but that’s okay impro improvision improvising it’s still going to be delicious it’s still going to be good so let’s go ahead and do that we’re going to go ahead and start stuffing our manot which I’m nervous about I’m nervous y’all I’m nervous about stuffing these manties cuz what is this going to be like let’s just go ahead and do it like I’m usually really excited about using my Piping Bag technique cuz I’ve done it a few like I I like using different techniques doing the using a sandwich bag as a Piping Bag is one of my favorite techniques but piping piping pasta stuff in the pasta I’ve never done this before I’ve never done it before that’s why I’m so nervous I’ve never piped pasta so that’s why I’m so nervous that’s why I’m nervous so that yeah I’m going cut myself some slack let me let me let me get let me Grant myself some compassion and Grace right let me Grant myself some compassion and Grace so I do know we’re going to put a little bit in here before we cut off the edges we go ahead and put it down in there as much as we can and then we’ll cut the tip off of the bag of the bag cut the tip off of the bag all right let’s start with that we got a good amount in there I’m just so nervous I’m so nervous and then we’re going to cut the tip up now I don’t believe that’s enough but we going cuz yeah y’all y’all tell me in the comments when y’all did this how did how did how did you do your piping piping techniques did you go to Michael’s or Hobby Lobby do they have piping bags did you go to go goor HB and pick up some or your grocery store and pick up some piping bags how did you do it right let me know put it in the put it in the comments okay this is a Vibe I just I don’t want to apply too much pressure cuz I know it’s going to bust my bag open y’all see what I’m doing here y’all can see okay all right right it’s filled on one side now we got to turn around and fill the other side and baby this is one manote and this took up that whole bag child okay what we what are we going to do actually like I said ravioli style let’s go ahead this we ain’t we ain’t putting no more on this one let’s go ahead and um ravioli style I feel kind of bad like we got to improvise cuz we got to stuff we got to stuff all of them we got to put rot into all of them like dang dang we got to we got to put ricot into all of them so let me just take my fork and just kind of push this down in there and kind of smooth it out that’s a good that’s a good technique push this down in there and kind of pull it out to kind of cope all of all of the um so look we got Ricotta and all of it it’s kind of ravioli stuff y’all going to need more than 8 ounces of rata what what I’m trying to say what I’m trying to say is y’all going to need more than 8 O of rotta okay I didn’t realize these pastas are so huge okay so we got our first one we’re going to go ahead and put it in the bottom of our pan of our baking dish and you’re going to need a big no Don DeMarco okay okay Ashley okay Ashley okay cuz I’m like y’all going to need a bigger bakon dish cuz but I’mma stack it like lasagna kind of like so we’re oh that’s a Vibe so okay y’all we G to see I’mma show y’all just one second we’re going to kind of Stack it like lasagna this this this dish is um o and if we do that ooh let’s make it artistic we didn’t I did not stuff I didn’t run out of ricotta some of them are unstuffed because that’s a part of the experience some of them are not stuff because that’s a part of the whole vibe let’s get it that’s a Vibe okay that’s we going to do that not not all of them are going to be stuffed with rot that’s that’s a thing though cuz we just made it a thing because we just made it a thing all right yeah that’s a BBE not all of them are going to have aot in them which is great um because that’s how it’s going to be cuz that’s what that’s what it is I still want my Michin star though I still want my Michelin star cuz this this is this is intentional this was not an accident it’s definitely intentional okay I’m going to need to cut this bag more cuz it’s like busting busting and things all right cut the bag more the rot off in there ricotta ricotta ricotta ricotta ricotta Ricotta and then we’re going to go ahead and smooth it out actually this is this is adequate I feel no no let’s move it out we want to give some type of balance we don’t want the we don’t want dry spots in the middle of the ricotta the ricot one so there that right there okay this is exciting right all right I’m probably going to uh fast forward through a bit of this so we can go ahead and get to the meat and potatoes or the um pasta pasta pasta and cheese get to the pasta and [Music] cheese all right so I I think that’s a good idea imagine this going but it’s okay it’s intuitive cooking I’m going to need another spoon and I’m going to take off my one of my gloves cuz I want to show you what we about to do so what we’re going to do y’all y’all see the dish right here y’all see it y’all see it you got the two pastas hold on there we go y’all see the two pastas we’re actually going to make it lasagna style right so we’re going to go ahead and kind of put the sauce on top very Mission star like very Mission star like right right and then we’re going to take our manac cot this one is this one is stuffed and we’re going to put it on top stack it kind of like lasagna a stacked pasta situation I’m going to put the sauce right and you see these these let me put the spoon to the side you see these two right here these two pastas they don’t the these these two manot this manot and that manot they don’t have sauce they don’t have they don’t have Rota in them but we’re going to stick them over here to the side with the non the non- stuffed the non stuffed over here and we’re going to go ahead and going to go ahead and uh some sauce on the top of the these over here all right so we’re going to do this process until they’re all done we’re they’re all in the in the thing and and then we’re going to we’re going to come back and review we’re going to come back and and um head on to the next steps head on to the next steps right and stuff what I’m thinking is we’re going to grab our mozzarella cheese in just some second we’re going to add some sauce and some cheese in the pan and then add our second layer of pasta stuffed manot non- stuffed minote and then do some more pasta sauce and cheese did I say we’re going to add pasta and cheese we’re going to add pasta sauce and cheese and then do stuffed non stuffed I need to go ahead let me put this one to the side cuz this one right here needs to be non- stuffed right there that needs to be non- stuffed okay let’s go ahead and ask some more sauce and then some cheese Mozzarella cheese let me show you what we got cooking what we got cooking well I I can pick it up like this so we have our pasta and sauce let’s do aerial view pasta and sauce we’re going to add some more sauce and cheese let’s do our sauce first add some more sauce here I’m actually going to spoon it this time add some more sauce M M M you know what’s SW y’all I don’t know if I should say this out loud part of me telling me not to say it all loud so I might want to say it I’m not going to say it out loud I’m going say it out loud I’m not going to gag myself so I was like I for my uh Pizza my uh Michelin star pizza comy pizza 60c pizza I was going to do um I was I’m going to I might overd I’m going to over I was going to overdub it in a French voice right and every time I do a French accent it’s like masculine I was like why do I do that I was like you know what I don’t think I’ve ever heard a female French chef I don’t think I’ve ever heard a female friendch chef talk I was like that like I know there’s female friend chefs so YouTube fale female friend chefs and I didn’t find any where are y’all all at I was like I want to hear accent so I can like um what it say uh uh imitation is the best form of flattery not imitate but like imitate right not imitate but imitate um but there was there was but I put this is this is not the greatest thing this not the greatest experience I put female French chef pastry chef and there there were plenty I know there are women French chef uh French chefs that aren’t pasty chefs and there’s wrong with being a female French Pasty Chef but I know there’s plenty of female French chefs I know that where y’all at where y’all at where y’all at anyway I was saying that because I was an overdub in a in a French accent but I’ve never I never heard female French Stu cook uh speak I don’t think I don’t think um I’ve never that’s just that’s in my universe I don’t know what’s going on in your Universe I’m telling you y what’s going on in my world anyways anyway so we have our sauce we added more sauce and now we’re going to add some mozzarella cheese use whatever brand you want I did this is part skin as well okay cool this is part skin cheese we’re just going to add some to the top here add some cheese to the top here to the top and this is all intuitive y’all again I’mma Google when I get done when we get done cooking this and see like if like um an herb like a I know herb pastas exist already I’m saying if anybody that does anything like this though like I’m pretty sure I’m pretty sure there is cuz you know we all share one Collective mind so anything you think of is like it’s part of the human Collective mind um and spirituality that’s called the cazo body we all share a cazo body or Collective mind so our thoughts we pull it from the human thought thoughts which is pretty cool so I’m pretty sure this is a thing already right so we added our mozzarella cheese on here on our first layer let me show you what what’s going on what’s going on yeah what’s going on doesn’t that look great that looks great y’all it’s looking good it’s looking good okay let’s go ahead and preheat the oven to let’s say shoot 400° sure sure why not why [Music] not we do cooking time let’s say uh 30 minutes or 40 minutes and when it’s done we want to keep it warm all right cool all right cool um yeah all right let’s go ahead and do our second layer of pasta um so we have our stuffed and non stuffed if you want to do all stuffed that’s great if you want to do no stuffed that’s your business if you want to use a different cheese that’s your business right shouts out to Tabitha Brown that came from her Collective causal body part of the collective causal body that’s really funny all right make sure my glove is not on backwards all right cool all right so we have this stuffed and we get our fork and kind of smooth this out we don’t want the judges talking about there was a clump of ricotta in the middle of my uh in the in the middle of my manot and the rest was dry and the rest of it was dry we don’t need to judges saying it by the judges I mean my family like we don’t need them saying it like we don’t need them talking like that like that’s really funny all right let’s go ahead and fill this one too let’s put some more of our r it in there and smooth that on in there smooth that on in there now I’m from Austin Texas right y’all y’all might hear me speak in a zilon different accents because that’s just how I live right and um I don’t know do I sound country to y’all cuz y’all tell I’m from Texas I know sometimes I sound real country sometimes I don’t but if I didn’t say I was from Texas like would you know oh she’s somewhere she’s from somewhere in the South put it in the comments put it in the comments yeah we could tell you from you we could tell you from somewhere country Ashley you talk you talk real Country Real Country all right we actually have a lot of ricado lips I was talking on this but we still have four more to fill well well we did half and half so that’s okay you know I’m just going to fill these up I’m going to fill these up I’m going to fill these up um quite generous L let me fill these up cuz three of them yeah so three more stuff three not stuff so let me fill these up quite generously and then we have extra to put on top boom let’s add our three that are not stuff with the actually there’s one more we’re putting one more actually yeah one more with rata it’ll be this one cuz it has ricot on the shell well that worked out pleasantly well y’all 8 oz might work if that is eight o might work for you so it all just depends on how much you want to how much much Vata you want to step inside of your monoco or if you do the shells or if you do a Ricon whatever pasta you do it just matter that it dripped off the edge it it dripped off the edge the crow it dripped out the edge it all doesn’t matter it all depends on how you want how much uh uh filling you want inside of your pasta whichever pasta you choose whether that’s rigatony little smaller pastas the shells or um or manati this manati is kind of fun so y’all do the manati is fun they’re nice and big and just playful cuz they’re so big that’s so these are big ass pastas it’s like almost like animated cartoonish cuz they’re so big all right y’all let’s go ahead and pour the rest of our sauce or spread the rest of our sauce over our pasta outch hit my hit myself on the side like see there yay let’s just admire it it’s so pretty it’s so pretty it’s so pretty it’s so it’s so pretty okay y’all let’s go ahead and add the rest of our SAU sauce on top here and then we are going to add some uh Li be liberal with the mozzarella cheese you’re going to be liberal with that plenty of cheese plenty of cheese you know what I might say something that’s kind of like heresy I might like I might like a good old lasagna over a macaroni and cheese I know I know why would you even think of that Ashley because I’m thinking like anytime that I’m going to eat a lot of cheese like that like just wild eat a wild amount of cheese it’s it would be macaroni but I’m like what if um Let me let me let me let me I’m about to I’m about to like just talk to a specific group real quick because like we have something in common which we probably have in common with a lot of people but black people hear me out hear me out black people hear me out real quick real quick real quick real quick what if we tried like during Thanksgiving and stuff like that when we cook instead of doing the macaroni you know I know chill wait let me finish what I’m saying let me finish what if what if instead of doing macaroni we did lasagna y’all hear me out hear me out hear me out let’s start a new tradition let’s let’s let’s move and shift some things let’s build Bridges let’s build Bridges I know how much we like lasan but look at me I know how much we like macaroni but look at this look at this like let’s switch it up like aren’t we tired of that [ __ ] like we tired of eating the same thing over and over again I’m tired of posting the same PL on Thanksgiving and look like everybody I’m tired of it I’m tired of it like I’m tired of the same PL on Thanksgiving every picture let’s Swit it up y’all let’s get creative I’m sick and tired of it what if we did lasagna instead of macaroni and cheese for one year just for one year and see how that sets off the socials see how that sets up see how that bright WR up the algorithms instead of the macaroni hat lasagna like o right writing up your your go God’s darn mood and the algorithms I’m tired of seeing the same damn place on Thanksgiving I’m tired of eating the same plate on Thanksgiving even though I’m grateful you know it’s Thanksgiving but y’all we got to we got to we got to start with the woman in the mirror the man in the mirror we got to we want to make a change we got to make that goddamn change if we want to build Bridges if we trying to you know you know Martin Luther King had a dream baby I think this is a part of the fulfilling that Vision I think this is a chill y’all I know I’m talking crazy but it’s okay like it’s okay chill maybe substituting uh macaroni with lasagna for Thanksgiving is a part of Martin Luther King’s Vision maybe maybe we Building Bridges we we diversifying our plate diversifying the way we see reality I’m just saying okay back to our regularly scheduled program okay this is a lot of sauce we got a lot of sauce left and I’m kind of feeling like I don’t want to use it but then I feel like I do but then I intuitively I’m feeling guided not to use the rest of the sauce there’s a lot of sauce in here it’s a saucy pasta It’s a but you know what I’mma do I’m going to use a lot of cheese so we going to go with it we going to ahead and we going to put all the we going to put all the sauce in here we’re not skimping going to put all the sauce in here why cuz we putting all the cheese cheese we going to put that cheese on top like like so like that run back to to of the room like so like that I hope I didn’t upset anybody with the macaroni I know how much we like macaroni I love it just as much as everybody else I love it so much that I actually have in my I’ve actually discussed this with with myself like we have like like we have the top fives right like what about the top five bites of all time like like the top five fork bites of all time like what do you have on your fork if it’s like in your top five bites of all time what’s like my number one baby that that holiday that holiday bite that Fried Chicken the macaroni and cheese with some sweet potato on there too with the sweet potato mashmallow that’s that’s that is a top tier top five bite of all time so I don’t say what I say to be controversial cuz I like macaroni just as much as everybody else I’m just saying it’s food for thought get it you get it all right so we are pretty much done with this I’mma lick this bowl though it’s not cake but I’m going lick the bowl do you hear me this so good all right this is really beautiful this is really beautiful and it’s really looking like it’s looking like um creative scientist over here normally I clean as I go but like I’m just having such a good time I’m just like we’ll clean later we’ll clean later but I do want to clean the end of these dishes cuz I don’t want any points off for appearance from the judges I don’t want any point points deducted y’all see our po let’s look at the workstation firsts like the dishes in the sink just wild wild I was like I would never do this before but like shoot whatever and look at the dish looks so good it looks so good and beautiful let’s add our mozzarella cheese on top and then we’re going to do our um I need to wash my hands again I’m going to put a glove on to add this mozzarella cheese all right all righty then all righty e then don’t I like love a good beautiful colorful decorative towel set in the kitchen this is I think the pioneering woman yep it’s really pretty it’s really nice magic Mills Honda cor coming soon do you hear me do soon enough soon enough right on time divinely timed let’s say that divinely time coming divinely time you hear me all right so let’s go ahead and add the rest of our mozzarella cheese on top here I’m really excited to sit down and eat this too I know I cook all the time but like I haven’t cooked like this the glove was busted it open I haven’t cooked like this in a minute as far as like just like very um like a homecook like very uh very like fatty like a lot of like just just like home like what is that comfort food like really like just like not worrying about the calories not worrying about you know anything like that just just feel good food feel good food so I’m excited all the scotch on cheese yes baby more cheese more cheese more cheese I love it I love it let’s declump let’s declump it and liberally sprinkle it over the top and we have plenty dollops of ricotta cheese to go oven we about 10 minutes until our cook time in the oven it’s okay we we’ll reset the clock masah B thank you thank you thank you gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude just have to throw in some gratitude you know just be thankful throw out some good energy into the world into the ethers just thank you throw out good energy to you and yours and all all right let me give youall an aerial view one more again we’re going to add a ricot we’re going to throw some foil on the top of this bad girl we’re going to put her in the oven we’re going to put her in the oven what what is her name Gertrude this is her name is Gertrude okay or Gretchen or gertude what Gretchen Gretchen we’ll go with Gretchen we’ll go with Gretchen her name is Gretchen okay okay let’s go ahead and finish Gretchen up let me let me finish the back so y’all can see Gretchen and her glory y can see Gretchen actually let me see let me lower this yall see gret in her glory y’all see gring lower a little bit little bit more a little bit lower yeah y’all can see Gretchen now y’all can see Gretchen in all of her glory yes yes yes sis yes yes sis yes s is all right let’s go ahead and doll up on top arotta cheese boom and that might be the side with a na but that’s okay we’re going to make it really pretty really pretty prettier make her prettier I don’t know where I came up with gertude I don’t know there’s another chunk of um chunk of um garlic we’ll keep that in there cuz it’s on the top it’s a garnish if anybody ask it’s a garnish all right no I used to watch the RO I used to watch I might get back into it a little just heal in a healthy way right I don’t want to binge watch like all the time but in a healthy way I used to watch a lot of the real I used to watch The Real Housewives franchise and I think uh Gretchen was on OC so when I said Gretchen I thought of her from o real housewise of Orange County look how pretty look how pretty she is remember we put some more ricotta cheese to the side so we’re not done we’re not done with the dollin we’re not done with the dolloping y’all this is a lot of food and I’m really happy about that I a lot of gratitude for that I don’t know what this is going to taste like that’s the thing and I’m excited about that too I’m excited about that I’m sure it’s going to be delicious I’m sure it’s we put a lot of love and fun into this look like a little star right for my Mich for my Michelin star Michelin star Michelin the Michelin star uh people should be pulling up at people’s houses you know we been doing work on these YouTube algorithms with these meals and stuff like pull up at my house and see what’s popping and see what’s see what’s popping all right so we have a little bit more here put that in the middle there censor censor that right there we actually have aot of cheese left it’s not going to go unused baby we going to put it in I know this design looks so pretty I know this looks so great right here that looks so pretty right we got more more ricot so we’re going to make it fit we’re going to make it fit we’re not going to not use this ricot cheese is what I’m saying we have like two more dollops where we going to put them at right here and right here mhm that’s for cot cheese mhm with that Fel y’all and the garlic whoa that this is really good I I didn’t even taste it y’all before I started like normally you would taste your your stuff I didn’t even taste it before I kept on going I watched enough Master Chef to know to taste my stuff I I like I watched enough Master Chef to know to taste my ingredients before I start adding it to other things but it’s intuitive cooking so you just do it from the heart and you trust that it works out you do it from the heart and you trust that it works out all right y’all this is really good that’s enough for all right I’m so nervous about this I’m so nervous about her okay it’s going to work cuz I I don’t know I like I’m guessing on the temperory y’ so y’all just whatever your soul feels like do that I lowkey want to crank it down to one I want to I low key want to turn it down to 375 for 40 minutes cuz 430 minutes that’s kind of wild 400 for 40 minutes that’s kind of wild cuz everything’s basically cooked all we need to do is melt the cheese and heat up the heat up the goar um sauce so I’m cut cranky down to like 350 350 I said 375 but now 350 for 40 minutes cuz I don’t want to overcook the pasta all right y’all say goodbye to say goodbye to Raw geru she about to go get cooked say goodbye to Raw geru next time we see her she gonna be a different woman say goodbye bye gret and grud we G to see you later now that I gave her a name like I feel like emotionally get emotionally attached like oh like we going put GR in the oven gret is going to go in the oven oh my goodness all right let’s go Gretchen we going to take you to the oven let’s go ahead and put her in the oven all right here we go y’all Y y’all should be able to look at this this is a big this is a Monumental moment gret and geru is going into the oven let’s all watch Gretch and geru going into the oven ouch I burned myself oh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh I bur myself on the rack all right R and geru let me go ice my finger I’ll be right back whoa all right next time I see y’all we’re going to be taking gret and gerud out of the oven and we’re going to be tasting her she’s a pasta dish she’s a pasta dish maybe we shouldn’t name our food maybe we shouldn’t give our food genders just names I’mma see y’all later all right magic most confessional I’m so nervous about geru like I’m so like I like it’s wild how nervous I am about this dish I’ve never ever been this nervous about cooking a dish like I’m so nervous about this dish is why you I think it’s cuz I offered it to other people in my family so it’s like I’m nervous about that and like it’s not like it’s not how I expected it to go but is it how you expect it to go right so I’m just nervous about it and I want to give her space to cook and I just want to let it go cuz like one thing I learned about my spiritual with my spiritual journey being on a a conscious spiritual journey one thing I learned we’re always only on a conscious conscious spiritual journey journey but one thing I learned is like in order for things to grow you got to let it go to allow it to grow you can’t sit there and watch the seed in in the ground but I might sit here for 35 minutes and watch the G cook you can’t watch the seat but you can watch the you I’m just kidding I’m going to go wash these dishes y’all and we going to come back and we have happy High thoughts happy High thoughts my heart space is all percolated which is a good thing like I’m not going to I’m not going to stop myself for feeling like I’m going to see yall in a second [Music] let’s see let’s lift her up whoo right wo wo W smells absolutely Fab we’re going to tuck her in under the broer broiler for about 3 to 5 minutes get nice and gold on the top let me show you what’s going on let me show yall what’s going on with ger with ger Gretchen geru Gretchen y’all all right now let’s go ahead and put it in the broiler 3 to 5 minutes cut her open we’re going we’re going to go ahead and um this is Miss chill star home style addess home style Edition home style this this really looks like comfort food it really looks like comfort food which I’m excited about W our delicious spinach and Arugula sauce stuffed manot pasta lasia dish let’s taste it tryer taste scatching I’m excited you you y’all remember we were talking about we were talking about the color the color the color the color like you know cuz normally like it’s like red pink pasta red sauce white sauce brown sauce green sauce purple sauce basically basically right this the color of this sauce is I’m going to say different cuz I’ve never had it but again I’mma Google and see what what the rest of the world’s talking about with this green uh pasta sauce which I think I I have seen green pasta sauce yeah I have I yeah I have I have okay we’re going to call this Perfection right we’re going to go and turn this off and call it call it Perfection go ahead set Gretchen out Gretchen G Gretchen gud whoa she’s pretty whoa she’s pretty she’s pretty I’m give youall an aerial view let me give youall an aerial view gr and [Music] grud all right y’all we did it hey hey hey we got to do a dance break do a dance break let me catch the Rhythm that’s going in my head with this plate it’s kind of wacky but like hey let’s just catch it hey catch it that doesn’t work my shoulders are all out with awward shoulders out looking awkward let’s let’s do a dance break let’s do a dance break hold on fix my clothes let me look presentable let me look presentable H do a dance break hey do a dance break hey do a dance break hey do a dance break hey I am so excited I’m so geeked one might say I’m so excited about this dish y’all it smells delicious it looks great I’m trying not to be my worst critic but y’all see the edges of this dish it but it looks like a it looks like a meal that would like cook with love it looks like a family meal cook with love and that’s like that’s my goal cuz you know I I I want to pride myself off of the love of my family the love I put into my family myself my family you know all things so I want my food to look like you know look like it was made with love this definitely was was and is made with love this is our what are we going to call this y’all this is our arugula and spinach stuffed rot stuffed manotti pasta dish arugula and spinach sauce with our ricot stuff manotti arugula and spinach sauce with our rot stuff manotti let’s go let’s try it y’all let me do a little petite cute bite right so when I cut this camera off it’s not going to be petite and cute I’m I’m going eat you hear me that’s like I’m excited to eat and I just dropped something on my foot it’s okay it’s all good dropped a little ricotta on my foot let’s eat it oh my word oh my word okay let me be let me be for real cuz this for real good whoo what my first thought to cry whoa y’all we did this Whoa We all manifested this cuz when if you watching this that means your soul wanted to take part in this creation which means you manifested this with me this is so good it’s giving lasagna like it tastes like a good ass lasagna [Music] y’all and it’s so healthy what is our sauce made out of spinach aruga and tomato sauce it’s so healthy and it’s so delicious it tastes it tastes so good [Music] let mean let me satiating this food right this bite have you ever made a dish that was so good you just put in your mind anytime you go to a fun family function and you got to bring some food you going to bring this that dish I’m bringing this dish right here I don’t care what holiday season baby what did I say earlier H this is coming with me now if you’re lactose intolerant stay away from this dish stay away from it okay cuz it is full of cheese and it’s really good let’s go ahead and close this out thank y’all so much thank you thank you thank you so much if you made it this far in this rendition of magic meals our arugula spinach sauce ricotta cheese stuffed manot pasta dish I’m so glad y’all made it to this far in the end of the video again my name is Ash Nicole fellas not only a intuitive cooking extraordinaire but I am a channel for the Divine my channel information Works uh lectures you can find in my podcast kingom things podcast as well as oness connection tarot here on YouTube I’m also an author my literature um God’s like you don’t know who you are as sit down let me show you and that’s where I authored my my literature the the unconditional love literature parcel which is now available on the Amazon bookstore the link is below um last but certainly not least I’m a singer songwriter one of my soul passions my music Ashley Nico music is now available on the channel I love you love on yourself y’all do this rendition however you however you intuitively guided to do it post a picture on your Instagram tag me ashley. 44. Luna I want to see how you how you did yours I’m going see y’all later bye to be it’s love [Music] certainly to me love so mysterious [Music] my name is AIA and I’m a Teenage Witch just kidding I am a star seed my story is much like Humanity story I awaken to some pretty spectacular things about myself coming home the story of AIA followed by the story of oia I’m home the book series series that introduces the book after trip I have read my ATM’s letter speak to my father releasing him from imprisonment and FAL death pleased for us to run away together this pleas is one of which no state to the car my other half available inaz I was here on Earth to find you I was created to find my person the unconditional love literature parcel now available in the Amazon

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Spinach&Arugula Ricotta Stuffed Manicotti Comfort Meal ~ Magic Meals w/ Ashley Nicole Phillips - Dining and Cooking (2024)
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Author: Ray Christiansen

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Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

Address: Apt. 814 34339 Sauer Islands, Hirtheville, GA 02446-8771

Phone: +337636892828

Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.