Southern Star from Newton, Alabama (2024)

1 PAGE FIVE THE SOUTHERN STAR, OZARK, ALABAMA THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1941 MEMBERS OF EPWORTH LEAGUE ENJOY OUTING Mrs. Charles Dougherty, Sr has returned to her home in Opelika, after a visit to Mrs. E. C. Clouse.

Mr. and Mrs. Hezz Cox and children of Brantley, spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. C. M.

Cox. Mrs. Frank Pridgen and baby, Dothan, are spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.

J. Carroll. SOCIETY Miss Catherine Matthews was at home from Dothan for the week end. Mrs. H.

T. Pennington has returned from a visit to her daughter Mr. and Mrs. Claude Hall and little granddaughter, of Chatta- nooga, are the guests of Mrs. Mrs, M.

W. Hatcher, in Thomas- BABY DEAN MRS. HAGLER ENTERTAINS SHILOH CLUB ville, Ga. Jim Walker. Miss Allie Garner and Gifford Garner have returned from Washington, D.

C. Pvt. Aubrey W. Dean of the U. Mr.

and Mrs. H. C. Johnson and Mr. and Mrs.

Bernice A. Dean of Notasulga announce the arrival of a fine baby girl April 15, whom they have named Glenda Bernice. son, Hunter of Macon, were the S. Marines has returned to Quan- guests of Mr. and Mrs.

O. F. Kingsley during the week end. tico, after spending several weeks with his father, W. M.

Dean and family. Miss Bess Adams, of Montgomery, spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. Eura Adams. The members of the Ozark Ep-worth League had an enjoyable outing at Lake Tholocco Tuesday afternoon and night. They went boat riding and a few went swimming in the afternoon.

Later chicken was fried and potato salad, pickles, rolls, bananas and cookies were served. Then they enjoyed dancing. There were about thirty-five mem- bers present. The chaperones were i Mr. and Mrs.

Oliver Kingsley, Miss! Bernice Kingsley, and Rev. and Mrs. 1 W. R. Bickerstaff.

The League members hope that others who may be interested will join them in their regular meeting! on Sunday night at 6:30 p. m. and in their social activities. It is their plan to have some sort of entertainment each month. OZARK GARDEN CLUB MEETS FRIDAY P.

M. Miss Modeska Kirksey. of Cuth-bert, was the guest of her s- Mr. Josh Reynolds, of Birming- Mr. and Mrs.

Gus Borders, of ham, spent the week end with his ter, Mrs. T. G. Amason for the week Clayton, Mr. and Mrs.

Glenn Mc- Members of the Shiloh Home Demonstration club met at the home of Mrs. B. O. Hagler, with Miss Hulsey. Different local chairmen discussed various topics in home demonstration work.

The club decided to observe clean up week from April 27 to May 3, meeting on Thursday May 1 to bring this campaign to a close. Lets all see how neat and attractive we can make our church, church grounds and cemetery during this week. Every club member is urged to attend and to bring someone with them. Lets not forget this. end.

mother, Mrs. J. L. Reynolds. The Ozark Garden Club will meet at the home of Mrs.

Homer Smith Friday afternoon at three oclock. A full attendance is desired. Nair, Mr. and Mrs. Will Hood, of Atlanta, and Mrs.

Mae Brooks were Miss Eloise Andrews was at home called here Monday on account of from Montgomery for the week the death of Mrs. J. R. McNair, end. She had as her guest, Mrs.

1 Ben Feagan, of Selma, Ala. FUNERAL SPRAYS AND Mr. Bert Dowling, of New Orleans, spent the week end with his mother, Mrs. Alberta Dowling. PHILLIPS-SKIPPER DESIGNS Miss Katheryn Parker was at home from Montgomery for the week end.

Honor Student Newton Hi School Mr. George Barnard has returned from a visit to his mother, Mrs. Laura Barnard, and other relatives in Washington, D. C. COMMUNITY CLUBS ATTEND TRAINING SCHOOL All orders given personal attention, using choice selection of flowefs and arrangement.

Your orders are PROGRAM PLANNING COMMITTEE HOLDS CONFERENCE SATURDAY Of interest to their friends is the announcement of the marriage of Miss Teresa Virginia Skipper, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Will Skipper of Ozark, to Mr. Murray B. Phillips of Headland.

The marriage was quietly solemnized on Sunday morning, April 20, at the Baptist parsonage in Ozark with the Rev. John B. Johnson officiating. Returning from a short wedding trip to points in Florida, Mr. and Mrs.

Phillips are at home near Headland. Mrs. M. K. Harrison, of Eufaula, Culver-house daughter at Mrs.

Toxie Sorrell and Mrs. F. B. Cullens returned home Sunday after attending the Red Cross Convention in Washington, D. C.

MRS. J. F. BYRD PHONE 51 MIDLAND CITY, ALA. The program planning committee from the different community clubs met in conference Saturday afternoon, April 26th, to make plans for the years work.

A county wide training meeting for recreational leaders will be held for leaders from the community clubs, the home demonstration clubs and the 4-H clubs at the community center in Ozark, on Wednesday night, May 7th beginning at 7:30 oclock. Mrs. J. P. Walton, Rrecreation spending relatives.

Adams spent ENCORE for LAST YEARS SPRING WARDROBE HATTIE COX CIRCLE MISS SARA WILLIAMS Miss Sara Williams, attractive daughter of Mrs. H. G. Williams and the late Mr. Williams, of Newton, graduated from the Newton High School last Friday night with high honors.

She was salutatorian of her class. During her high school years Miss Williams ranked high in seholastic honors and took a leading part in school and campus activities. In her Senior II year she was editor of the school an- the week end with relatives, nual. manager of the school paper and secretary of her class. The following year she was the Senior Ills choice for class secretary and treasurer, serving also as President of Beta Club and as 4-H Club President.

She was prominent in school dramatics. Miss Williams has entered business school in Dothan. is visiting Mrs. R. F.

this week. Mrs. G. F. Casey and are visiting Mrs.

Ruth Hartzog Ariton this week. Miss Esther Dean is sometime in Notasulga with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth and son, Carey, of Notasulga Mr. and Mrs.

D. F. Byrd have from a visit to their in Birmingham. Mrs. Frank Foster, of is visiting Mr.

and Mrs. Y. Carroll and Mrs. J. L.

Sue Wyatt Cox, of Brantley, The community leaders representing 72 different communities who attended one of the six leader training schools learn to make comforters to carry out the "Cotton Mattress and Comforter program in the county have the program well under way. 2000 comforters were made at 60 centers April 14 to 19th. Each rural family who received material for one or more mattresses will receive one comforter now. On account of war conditions the program has been closed in Washington. The mattress program will be continued as planned until finished.

Rural families depending on rural labor for their income and who did not have a gross cash income of more than $500 in 1940 are eligible for this material. Families who have received this material and did have a cash income of more than the amount stated above are expected to pay $6.55 for each mattress and $1.35 for each comforter. On Monday afternoon April 21st the Hattie Cox Circle met at the home of Mrs. H. L.

Holman on Newton St. returned children The meeting was opened by theileader for the Dale ount-y chairman. Mrs. John W. Carroll.

Demonstration Council will direct Roll Call and minutes of the program, meeting were read by the secretary Help make arrangements for your Mrs. Howard Woods, after which community to be represented at the lesson from the book of Psalms this meeting. Miami, Sam Reynolds You can win applause another season for the smartness of last springs fashions! Let us dry clean them before you wear them. Tailoring facilities on the premises for reasonably priced alterations as well. is visiting her grandmother, Mrs.

C. M. Cox. was beautifully given by Mrs. R.

W. Garner. The meeting was closed with prayer by Mrs. M. P.

Skipper. Delicious refreshments were served by the hostess. LUNCHEON FEATURES LAST MEETING OF YEAR FOR THE BOOK CLUB Mr. Ard Sorrell, of Washington, D. C.

is spending a few days with his mother, Mrs. Toxie Sorrell. TRAINING SCHOOL AT COMMUNITY CENTER ON FRIDAY, MAY 9TH DOTHAN STEAM LAUNDRY The Book Club held it last meeting of the year at the home of Mrs. H. L.

Holman, Jr. Hostesses for the buffet luncheon were Mrs. Fred OZARK CHAPTER NATAL HONOR SOCIETY ENTERTAINS ENTERPRISE CHAPT. The plans for growing and stor- Mrs. L.

R. Pettway, of Marianna, was the guest of relatives here J. L. DAVIS, Representative Phone 127 Ozark, Ala. ing an adequate supply of food on plowers, Mrs.

George Dunn and dav pvph; farm in flalo rnnnfv mnef. hp ycobci uajr every farm in Dale county must be Mr. J. W. Cullens, of Montgomery was the guest of his mother, Mrs.

F. B. Cullens this week. For The Men Who Like Sailor Straws -Heres Good News DALE COUNTY SENIOR 4-H CLUB GIRLS SPONSOR DRESS REVUE The Dale County Senior 4-fe Club girls sponsored a dress revue at their April club meeting. Each girl made her dress as a part of her 4-H project work.

A total of 99 girls entered the revue at eight different clubs. Each club selected five girls with the dresses making highest score to enter the county dress revue to be announced later. The one girl from these five who has the best dress and all round record will represent Dale County at the State Dress Revue to be held in Auburn during Farm and Home Week. The girls selected were: Ariton Etta Simmons, Christine Snellgrove, Lillian Bullard, Eunice Willoby, Evelyn Lavender. Daleville Frances Sullivant, Lou-ella Sconyers, Nancy Ruth Walden, Joy Delacroix, Dorothy Cobb.

Echo Enoka Brown, Martha Ritche, Virginia Baldwin, Lugene Trammell, Imogene Newsome. Midland City Betty Jane Preston, Rachel Hutto, Louise Caplinger, Mrs. C. L. Scarborough, of Midland City, was a visitor here carried out in every home if we are to meet the challenge in Our National Defense Program.

The best methods for storing fruits and vegetables for the nonproductive months are canning, drying and brining. The pantry stores demonstrators, the brining demonstrators and demonstration leaders will study brining fruits and vegetables and the use of brined products at the leader training school to be held at the community center in Ozark on Friday May 9th beginning at 9:30 a. m. Miss Lavada Curtis, Extension Food Conservation Specialist will direct the program. Mrs.

Barney Childree, Pantry Stores Demonstra- The Ozark Chapter of the National Honor Society entertained the Enterprise Chapter at Lake Tholocco on Wednesday, April 23. A number of interesting games were enjoyed throughout the evening. A short talk was given by Dr. Norman Holman, a charter member of the Dale County High School Honor Society. The principal speaker was Rev.

J. B. Johnson who gave an interesting talk on Honor. A picnic lunch was served to the Enterprise Chapter and to the following from the Ozark Chapter; Robert Davis, Vergil Merritt, James Carroll, Harry Norton, Henry Clouse, Royce Smith, Lamon Martin, Lois Watkins, Ann Edwards, Elizabeth Deese, Elizabeth Perry, Annie Ruth Patrich, Martha Carroll, Lucy Miss Jeanelle Kingsley was at home from Anniston for the week end. SAILOR STRAWS Mrs.

H. L. Holman, Jr. Lovely bouquets of roses, sweet peas and ragged robins adorned the rooms used for entertaining. The guests were seated at card tables in the living room.

The dining table covered with a handsome cloth was centered with a silver container of snap dragons gladiolas and other spring flowers. Completing the appointments were trays of appetizing party delicacies. Mrs. Kenneth Holman assisted the hostesses in serving. At the conclusion a short business session was held.

Members present were Mrs. A. K. Holman, Mrs. John Q.

Adams, Mrs. H. L. Holman, Mrs. Ross Payne, Mrs.

A. D. Martin, Mrs. Sessions Dominey, Mrs. Louie Tamp-lin, Mrs.

S. K. Adams, Mrs. Paul Kolb, Mrs. John B.

Carroll, Mrs. Chas Carroll, Mrs. Charles Lisenby, Mrs. Jesse B. Adams.

Mrs. N. W. Holman was a guest. Mr.

J. H. Dykes, of Ariton, was a caller at the Star Office Values To $2.98 Mrs. George Hall and children, of Tuscaloosa, were the guests of Mrs. Virginia Ragsdale and other relatives for the week end.

Specially Priced Woods Lisenby, Merle Spears, and Lucille Enfinger, Freddie Windham Joanna Snuggs. The guests for the Newton Raybon Benton, Julia Mr. J. B. Byrd and son, Othis, of tQr jor Grimes Club will assist Miss Curtis.

Mrs. Childree will have on display ten different varieties of pickles made from brined vegetables. Columbus, spent the week end I evening were Mr. and Mrs. W.

E. Snuggs, Dr. Norman Holman, and Rev. and Mrs. J.

B. Johnson. with his brother, Mr. Henry Byrd i and family. 98 Sellers.

Arizona Dean, June Adco*ck, Syble Bedsole. Ozark Mable Deese, Pauline Skipper, Ilene Newton, Merle Glover, Maxine Woodham. Pinckard Virginia Daniel. Skipperville-Apharline Ard, Rena Garner, Emone Phillips, Home, Nell Weeks. OZARK STUDY CLUB FAREWELL LUNCHEON HELD WEDNESDAY GARDEN STUDY CLUB OF NEWTON ENTERTAINED AT HOME OF MRS.

DEESE Mr. M. Byron Bruce who is stationed at the U. S. Naval training school at Norfolk, is spending a few days with his mother, Mrs.

Alice Bruce. Rev. and Mrs. W. R.

Bickerstaff are on a short visit to their children in Montgomery, Wetumpka and Prattville. They will return Thursday evening, accompanied by their daughter, Mrs. Hinton and young OZARKS STYLE CENTER H. C. Dowling son, John, for a short visit.

This OVERSIZE SIX 'V has more of everythin Inside and Out The farewell luncheon of the Ozark Study Club was enjoyed on Wednesday, April the 23rd at the home of Mrs. N. W. Holman with Mrs. W.

H. Hunt, Mrs. W. E. Snuggs and Mrs.

J. C. Ard as joint hostesses. The guests were met at the door and given miniature corsages of lace and flowers, Mrs. M.

O. Carroll made and interesting short talk and with apropos remarks graciously presented corsages from the club to the past president, Mrs. W. H. Hunt; to the president elect, Mrs.

H. C. Dowling, and to Mrs. W. D.

Thomason, Director of the Sixth District of the Alabama Federation of Womens Clubs. Guests were then invited into the dining room where an elaborate luncheon of spring turkey, vegetables, a salad and coffee were served, buffet style. An ice course was served as dessert. Mrs. R.

W. Garner poured coffee. The center piece of the table was a low silver bowl of purple stock and gypsophilia carrying out the club colors of purple and white. A large white soup tureen was filled with stately purple iris. Other lovely spring flowers pansies and purple and white sweet peas were artistically arranged.

Guests present were: Mrs. W. C. Brown, Mrs. J.

W. Carroll, Mrs. M. The Garden Study Club of New ton held its last regular meeting of the year at the home of Mrs. Deese The reception rooms in which the guests assembled were made lovelier with bowls of beautiful stock and calendula tastefully arranged.

Mrs. M. E. Rogers, president, presided and conducted the business session which closed the garden club year. The club heard reports from the various committees.

A most complete financial report was given by Mrs. Edd King, treasurer. It was the decision of the club to present their annual Christmas offering for charity to the crippled childrens clinic. The following officers were unanimously elected for the coming year, Mrs. M.

E. Rogers, president, Mrs. Mac Borland, recording secretary, Miss Georgia Mancil, corresponding secretary, Mrs. Edd King, treasurer, Mrs. Will Lee, historian.

Also the following chairmen were appointed Mrs. M. A. Deese, Yearbook. Mrs.

Will Lee, program, Mrs. E. H. Brown, Conservation, Mrs. Leila Milligan and Miss Lila Kille-brew, co-chairmen of project committee.

The program Bird Life In The Garden was arranged by Mrs. Deese and presented by Mrs. Mac Borland. The hostess served a salad plate with iced tea at the conclusion of the meeting. ONE GROUP OF SPRING DRESSES 1 OFF O.

Carroll, Mrs. S. J. Carroll, Mrs. 4 Only 75 Mr.

E. S. Bayne, of Newville, was a visitor here Saturday. Including creations by LAiglon, Doris Dodson and Justine 154 Terms to suit you Mr. J.

A. Lisenby, of Ariton, was a visitor here Saturday. S. Y. Carroll, Mrs.

Fred Dowling, Mrs. P. H. Crigler, Mrs. H.

C. Dowling, Mrs. G. L. Dunn.

Mrs. R. W. Gamer, Mrs. W.

S. Gamer, Mrs. Y. A. Holman, Mrs.

Hubert Law, Mrs. L. B. Martin, Mrs. M.

W. Redd, Mrs. L. F. Sessions, Mrs.

M. P. Skipper, Mrs. Mike Sollie, Mrs. D.

Thomason, Mrs. Tarver, Mrs. H. L. Martin.

Mrs. Ola Anderson. Mrs. Bickerstaff, Mrs. W.

Hill, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. H. L. Holman, Mrs.

Orr, and Mrs. Aubrey Martin. A short business meeting was held by the club members after the luncheon. Another Group of Popular SPRING DRESSES Mr. J.

H. Godwin, of $vas a visitor here this week. Mr. S. C.

Blackman, of Ariton, was in the City Saturday. A few of itt 30 feature Super-Powered Meter-Miser DoubleEasyQuickubelceTrays New, Larger Frozen Storage Compartment New Meat Tender a Glass-Topped Hydrator a New Facts Label (You know what you get before you buy) Mr. Orlanda Snell, of Skipperville, was in the city last Saturday. I 1 2 H. C.

DOWLING Mrs. A. F. Johnson and son have returned to their home in Jeffersonville, after a visit to her mother, Mrs. Alice Bruce.

Dr. W. S. Price was in Troy last Sunday. Com In.

You will too right away why more than .1 6 million Frigidairos havo boon built and sold, Mr. J. W. Beasley, of Ariton, was a visitor here Friday. OZARKS STYLE CENTER lixon Radio Refrigrator Co.

Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Dean and children, Joslfa and Pratt, and Mr. James Dean of Evergreen, spent the week end with their father, W. M.

Dean and family. Miss Annah Sappington, of Opelika, was the week end guest of Miss Bernice Kingsley. PPfWi W7. -Jv Jfc..

Southern Star from Newton, Alabama (2024)
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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

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Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.